1 Welcome to Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training
2 Training Overview New Leader Essentials Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Training –Getting Started –Lighting the Fire –Keeping It Going Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills New Leader Essentials Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Training –Getting Started –Lighting the Fire –Keeping It Going Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
3 Session One: Getting Started
4 The Aims of Scouting Character development Citizenship training Mental and physical fitness Character development Citizenship training Mental and physical fitness
5 What a Scoutmaster Must Be A role model A friend to the boys An example, wearing the uniform A role model A friend to the boys An example, wearing the uniform
6 What a Scoutmaster Must Know Boys are the leaders Patrol method The skills to deliver the Scouting promise The resources: training, literature Boys are the leaders Patrol method The skills to deliver the Scouting promise The resources: training, literature
7 What a Scoutmaster Must Do Give direction Provide coaching Support Empower Have fun Give direction Provide coaching Support Empower Have fun
8 Basic Troop Organization Patrol Leaders’ Council
9 The Troop Committee
10 The Troop Meeting Preopening Opening–5 minutes Skills Instruction 15–20 minutes Patrol Meetings 5–20 minutes Interpatrol Activity 15–20 minutes Closing–5 minutes After the meeting… Preopening Opening–5 minutes Skills Instruction 15–20 minutes Patrol Meetings 5–20 minutes Interpatrol Activity 15–20 minutes Closing–5 minutes After the meeting…
11 Troop Meetings and the Scoutmaster Support and guide senior patrol leader The Scoutmaster’s Minute Review plans for the next meeting Support and guide senior patrol leader The Scoutmaster’s Minute Review plans for the next meeting
12 Video No. 1: Before the Meeting…
13 Video No. 2: After the Meeting…
14 Video No. 3: Teaching the Senior Patrol Leader
15 “ We Did It Ourselves. ”
16 When it comes to working with boys, what are your greatest concerns?
17 Keys to Troop Leadership Be a good listener Provide positive reinforcement Match leadership styles to the needs of your Scouts Be a good listener Provide positive reinforcement Match leadership styles to the needs of your Scouts
18 The Leading EDGE Explaining Demonstrating Guiding Enabling Explaining Demonstrating Guiding Enabling TM
19 If you are using a VHS video, ignore the segment titled "Leadership Styles,” as it has been updated with Leading EDGE material. TM
20 Sense of belonging Achievement and recognition Self-esteem Self-confidence Sense of belonging Achievement and recognition Self-esteem Self-confidence What Scouting Can Provide a Boy Self-discipline Self-reliance Healthy interaction Experience of teamwork
21 The Patrol Leaders’ Council Planning troop meetings Outdoor activities Planning troop meetings Outdoor activities
22 Video No. 4: Patrol Leaders’ Council
23 Video No. 5: Activity Review
24 Session One Summary Role of a Scoutmaster Troop organization Troop meetings Using the four styles of leadership The patrol leaders’ council Role of a Scoutmaster Troop organization Troop meetings Using the four styles of leadership The patrol leaders’ council
25 You can deliver the promise of Scouting! What will your action plan be? You can deliver the promise of Scouting! What will your action plan be?