Defeat and Revolution Hughes “ there is still dispute among historians as to whether there was a genuine revolution in November In view of the fact there was so little real change.”
Defeat 8 th August “ black day for the German army” 8 th August “ black day for the German army” September German allies surrender September German allies surrender 29 th September Ludendorff admits to the Kaiser the Germans cannot win, urges handover of power to Reichstag 29 th September Ludendorff admits to the Kaiser the Germans cannot win, urges handover of power to Reichstag “they must now eat the dish they have prepared for us” “they must now eat the dish they have prepared for us”
Revolution from above 3 rd October Prince Max appointed chancellor 3 rd October Prince Max appointed chancellor Delays asking for armistice Delays asking for armistice Tells leaders of other political parties Germany’s position Tells leaders of other political parties Germany’s position Shock and astonishment Shock and astonishment Appeal to President Wilson Appeal to President Wilson Reply that the Kaiser himself was a major obstacle to peace Reply that the Kaiser himself was a major obstacle to peace
Mutiny Pressure on Kaiser to abdicate grows. Pressure on Kaiser to abdicate grows. 29 th October the Kaiser went to Spa, there is fear he may use front line soldiers to crush opposition. 29 th October the Kaiser went to Spa, there is fear he may use front line soldiers to crush opposition. 28 th October the High Seas Fleet was ordered to sea. 28 th October the High Seas Fleet was ordered to sea. Sailors mutiny raising the Red Flag, the German revolution had begun. Sailors mutiny raising the Red Flag, the German revolution had begun.
Revolution from below According to Nicholls the Kiel mutiny was “ a chain of revolts …which finally disrupted the German Empire.” and that “ it is common to stress their unpolitical nature”. According to Nicholls the Kiel mutiny was “ a chain of revolts …which finally disrupted the German Empire.” and that “ it is common to stress their unpolitical nature”. The political parties were unprepared. The political parties were unprepared. The SPD would have been happy with some democratic reform in the shape of a constitutional monarchy. The SPD would have been happy with some democratic reform in the shape of a constitutional monarchy. The USPD were unsure whether the revolution should be used to end the war or if agitation for the end of the war should be used to further revolution. The USPD were unsure whether the revolution should be used to end the war or if agitation for the end of the war should be used to further revolution. The only real radical group, the Spartacists, did not believe the working class were ready to overthrow the governing classes. The only real radical group, the Spartacists, did not believe the working class were ready to overthrow the governing classes.
Soviets Soldiers in Germany played a key part in overthrowing the empire. They did not wish to shoot their fellow country men to continue a war already lost. Soldiers in Germany played a key part in overthrowing the empire. They did not wish to shoot their fellow country men to continue a war already lost. Mass meetings and demonstrations in favour of peace and political reform were held. Mass meetings and demonstrations in favour of peace and political reform were held. Workers’ and Soldiers’ Soviets began to take control in towns across Germany. Workers’ and Soldiers’ Soviets began to take control in towns across Germany.
Abdication On the 7 th November, Eisner, a member of the USPD, declared Bavaria a socialist republic. On the 7 th November, Eisner, a member of the USPD, declared Bavaria a socialist republic. The SPD could not let the independents take control. The SPD could not let the independents take control. They gave the Kaiser an ultimatum to abdicate within the next two days. They gave the Kaiser an ultimatum to abdicate within the next two days. On the 9 th Prince Max announced the abdication On the 9 th Prince Max announced the abdication
The German Republic News reached the SPD that Liebknecht, leader of the Spartacists, was about to proclaim a republic. News reached the SPD that Liebknecht, leader of the Spartacists, was about to proclaim a republic. Again the SPD could not lose control of events so Philip Scheidemann appeared at a window in the Reichstag and announced that Germany had become a republic. Again the SPD could not lose control of events so Philip Scheidemann appeared at a window in the Reichstag and announced that Germany had become a republic. Cheers greeted the announcement, the Kaiser had lost the support of the war weary public by his continued militarism. Cheers greeted the announcement, the Kaiser had lost the support of the war weary public by his continued militarism.
Armistice 10 th November Ebert as chancellor chaired a meeting of the cabinet to discuss the allies’ conditions for armistice: 10 th November Ebert as chancellor chaired a meeting of the cabinet to discuss the allies’ conditions for armistice: “There is no alternative to accepting the armistice terms. It is however, already apparent that these conditions will not produce a just peace. The sacrifices imposed on us are tremendous, they must lead to our people’s doom.” “There is no alternative to accepting the armistice terms. It is however, already apparent that these conditions will not produce a just peace. The sacrifices imposed on us are tremendous, they must lead to our people’s doom.”