Deal with Your Enemies Psalm 83
Psalm of Asaph (final psalm) Occasion unknown: Possibly 2 Chron. 20 with Jehosephat – delivered from Moab & Ammon Or 2 Sam. 10 – David fighting against Ammon & Syria Or some unnamed battle
OR – not an actual battle, but an occasion when Israel is being oppressed, and the psalmist reminds them of past deliverance. We live in times where we are surrounded by enemies – and can take consolation in this psalm!
A Plea for God to intercede ( 1-4 ) Do not keep silent ( 1 ) – Urgency Pleading with God to act God’s silence Let us learn to wait for Him – Luke 18:7-8, Isa. 59:2, 1:15, Psa. 66:18 – silence due to sin
Enemies causing tumult ( 2- 3 ) Psa. 2:1-2 why do the nations rage? Crafty counsel – cf. Luke 20:20, Jn. 11:43-45 Let us be awake – Rom. 13:11, 1 Pet. 5:8 A Plea for God to intercede ( 1-4 )
“Sheltered ones” ( 3 ) those who seek refuge in Him – the truly faithful Their desire – utterly destroy God’s people – History is filled with examples of this. Do NOT forget more subtle ways! A Plea for God to intercede ( 1-4 )
A confederacy of enemies ( 5-8 ) Sometimes enemies join together to defeat a “common foe”
A confederacy of enemies ( 5-8 ) Numerous enemies mentioned: Tents of Edom – Esau Ishmaelites – Abraham’s eldest Moab (& Ammon) – illegitimate sons of Lot Hagrites? Gebal – possibly a city of Tyre ( Ezek. 27:9 )
A confederacy of enemies ( 5-8 ) Numerous enemies mentioned: Amalek – Gen. 36:12 (Esau) Philistia & Tyre – coastal enemies Assyria – Israel’s eventual captors
A confederacy of enemies ( 5-8 ) An “impressive list” of enemies: Found in every direction Recall: Why did they have such enemies? Josh. 23, Jdg. 1:27-36, 2:1-5, Israel was their own worst enemy! We too have enemies on every side. Like the psalmist, let us appeal to Him
Deal with these enemies ( 9-12 ) “Deal with them” – let God deal with them! ( cf. 2 Thess. 1:6-9 ) In times past God had: Defeated Midian Num. 31:1-11 Defeated Sisera & Jabin – Judges 4 & 5
Deal with these enemies ( 9-12 ) In times past God had: Defeated Oreb and Zeeb (Midianites) Judges 7-8 – with help of Gideon & his 300 Defeated Zeba & Zalmunna – Kings of Midian – Judges 8
Deal with these enemies ( 9-12 ) Again, an “impressive list” of the power of God to defeat His (and our) enemies. 2 Pet. 2:9, Rom. 8:31, 37 – More than conquerors
An appeal for defeat ( ) Imprecatory request – - make them like whirling dust - burned as a mountain - destroyed by a strong storm - faces filled with shame
An appeal for defeat ( ) “That they may seek Your name, O Lord” we are to love our enemies – Matt. 5:43-44, Rom. 12:17-21 Let them be confounded and dismayed – don’t quit! Matt. 10:22, 2 Tim. 3:12-14
An appeal for defeat ( ) That they may know… He IS in charge – Psa. 24:1, 1 Cor. 10:26-28 “ The earth is the Lord’s” One day – every knee shall bow – Phil. 2:10-11
Do you trust Him?