Nomadic Empires & Mongols Nomadic peoples impact Eurasia since Roman Empire - Xiongu threaten - Han - Huns Gupta India - Turks - Tang
Kublai Khan Greets Polos
Large Battle
Khublai Khan & Advisors
Mongol Empire
Gengis Khan’s Empire 1227
Central Asian Steppes - Ancestral Homeland
Nomadic Societies of Central Asia Grasses and shrubs can’t support agriculture, but good for grazing. Live in portable yurts and drink kumiss.
Yurts and Kumiss
Nomads often led caravans
Their society generates two class - nobles and commoners Nobles hereditary - but can lose status if unsuccessful in battle.
Turkish peoples develop written script & during Abbasid Dynasty turn to Islam Saljuq Turks become true rulers of Abbasid (caliphs are figureheads) Spread to Anatolia the breadbasket of the Byzantine Empire. Decisive defeat of Byzantine at Manzikert Ottoman Turks conquer Constantinople in 1453
In N. India the Turkish Delhi Sultanate (Muslim) squares off against Hindu princes
Mongols Temujin (Chinggis Khan - universal ruler) Capitol Karakorum Breaks up tribal affiliations replaces it with talent and loyalty based ones. About 1 million population - 10% cavalry
Equestrian, psychological & siege warfare abilities Attack Turks in China, Persia, central Asia 1220 defeat Southern Song
Illustration of Mongol Army Preparing to Besiege a Jin City Using Chinese Engineers to Construct Heavy Catapults
After Chinggis China ruled by Great Khan - Kubilai who starts Yuan Dynasty Russia, Hungary, Poland - Golden Horde Persia - il Khan
Kubilai Promotes Buddhism but tolerates all religions (favorite wife, Chabi, was a Nestorian Christian) Looks down on Chinese - no intermarriage Ends privileges of Confucians - dismantles education and exam system
Decline in China Use Tang & Song paper money but don’t maintain proper bullion supply Hatred of foreign occupiers s peasant rebellions end of Mongol rule in China. Bubonic Plague
Mongols keep Shamanistic beliefs Do form attraction to Lamist Buddhism of Tibet They recognize Mongols as legitimate rulers
Persia Hulegui 1258 topples Abbasid and sacks Baghdad Eventually stopped by Muslim forces from Egypt (Mamluks) at Ain Jalut Rely on Persians to administer Ghazan converts to Islam in 1295 & massacres Christians and Jews. Decline excessive spending, over exploitation of peasants Paper money fails Collapses 1335
Mongols contribution Encourage travel & communication facilitates trade, movements of peoples, and missionary and diplomatic activity.
Tamerlane Turkish based in Samarkand Sacks Delhi Dies 1405 Mughal, Safavid and Ottoman Empires reflect his legacy
Ottoman Turks Osman declares independence from Saljuq starts rise of Ottoman From NW Anatolia, get foothold at Gallipoli 1453 under Mehmed defeat Byzantine & conquer Constantinople.
Mehmed the Conqueror