CHAPTER 6.5 THE LATE MIDDLE AGES I. The Black Death A. A Plague is a disease that spreads quickly and kills many people. The Black Death was a plague that spread throughout Europe and Asia in the late Middle Ages. B. Historians believe the Mongol Empire was partly responsible for the rapid spread of the plague because they opened up trade between China, India, the Middle East, and Europe. Rats carrying the plague were brought on trading caravans to Europe.
C. The first outbreak of the plague began in Caffa, a city on the Black Sea. D. About 38 million Europeans died of the Black Death between 1347 and 1351. The deaths of so many people damaged the economy. It weakened the feudal system. Interesting note: Some scientist today believe the Black Death might have not been Plague but a form of Ebola.
II. A Troubled Continent A. The Hundred Years’ War began after Edward III angered the French by declaring himself king of France in 1337. The first major battle of the war occurred at Crecy. "...their horses stumbled among the stakes, and they were speedily slain by the archers." - French Defeat at Crecy
BATTLE OF CRECY – RESULTS Can you figure who won? Notes you don’t have to copy just think about… KINGDOM OF ENGLAND KINGDOM OF FRANCE Commander: King Edward III Philip VI (wounded in action) Strength: 4,000 knights 7,000 longbowmen 5,000 spearmen Strength 6,000 Crossbowmen 29,000 Knights and infantry soldiers Casualties: 2 knights killed 100 –300 soldiers killed 11 Noblemen killed 1,542 Knights killed 12,300 Infantry killed The English Longbow was a very deadly weapon!
THE ENGLISH LONGBOW A weapon that would change history…
The French charged into the English and Welsh Longbowmen Holding the high ground leading to a French slaughter. The entire French army was under constant arrow attack.
JOAN OF ARC B. A French peasant girl fought with the French army during the Hundred Years’ War. The English captured the girl and had her tried by the Inquisition. She was burned at the stake in 1431. She was known as Joan of Arc. "...their horses stumbled among the stakes, and they were speedily slain by the archers." - French Defeat at Crecy
RESULTS AT AGINCOURT English archers (with the longbow) decimate the French attackers
English lands in pink / purple - French lands in Green English controlled lands at the height of their conquest
END START Looking at the maps, infer which nation won the Hundred Years’ War. The Hundred Years’ War lasted more than 100 years (1337 – 1453)
C. The French finally defeated the English in 1453. D. After a civil war in England called the Wars of the Roses, Henry Tudor was crowned Henry VII. E. During the middle ages Muslims ruled most of Spain and Portugal (the Iberian Peninsula), the people of these countries were mostly Christians. F. Though the Muslims accepted the Jews and Christians, the Christians resented Muslim rule. The Reconquista was the Christians’ struggle to retake Spain and Portugal G. Princess Isabella of Castile married Prince Ferdinand of Aragon. As king and queen, they later united their two territories into one country called Spain.
H. Ferdinand and Isabella wanted all of Spain to be Catholic H. Ferdinand and Isabella wanted all of Spain to be Catholic. They wanted to get rid of the Jews and Muslims in Spain. The Spanish Inquisition was a religious court that tried people who were not loyal to the Catholic faith. In 1492, Jews were given a choice of converting or leaving. Ten years after Spain recaptured Granada from the Muslims in 1492, Muslims were expelled as well (Alhambra Decree).
Over time the Muslims lost land (green color)on the Iberian Peninsula