Revolutions and Nations Mrs. Kercher 8 th Grade Gifted Chapter 22
Essential Question How did the Industrial Revolution and Imperialism transform the world? Think About: Inventions Science New Ways of Life A Growing Middle Class Spread of Nationalism Colonial Empires
The Spread of Revolutionary Ideals During the Napoleonic Era, Napoleon conquered vast territories in Europe and spread reforms across the continent. Napoleon could not defeat Great Britain. Napoleon made changes in government regarding: education, central banking, equality for all men, trial by jury, freedom of religion, and the Napoleonic Code. Do you think he was a civil libertarian, an individual who promoted the civil liberties of individuals?
The Spread of Revolutionary Ideals At the Congress of Vienna, European leaders tried to restore the old monarchies and ensure peace. The Congress of Vienna involved a group of representatives from European nations that met to draw up a peace settlement after Napoleon’s defeat. Harsh terms were imposed on France because Napoleon returned with a new army after his defeat in 1814, and the delegates wanted to make sure no European power could dominate again. How did the conservatism promoted by Metternich and others differ from the liberalism of the French Revolution?
The Spread of Revolutionary Ideals Inspired by revolutionary ideals in Europe, Latin American colonies began to win their independence. The people of Latin America wanted freedom in order to control their own affairs. Toussaint L’Ouverture was a freed slave who led African slaves in rebellion against the French in Haiti. Why do you think the people of Haiti were able to defeat the French? What challenges did independence movements bring to Latin America?
Questions to Reflect On While Reading Read pages 638 – 642 and reflect on: -Do you think he was a civil libertarian, an individual who promoted the civil liberties of individuals? -How did the conservatism promoted by Metternich and others differ from the liberalism of the French Revolution? -Why do you think the people of Haiti were able to defeat the French? -What challenges did independence movements bring to Latin America?
Focus on Writing Many people throughout history have written journals to record their personal experiences. As you read this chapter, you will create a journal page (or pages) based on events and people from the time period of the French and Industrial Revolutions. You will write your journal as if you were a citizen of Europe during this interesting time. Page 642 – Complete #5 – List key events and people affected