Labour Recruitment Chamber
Labour Market Indicators Estimated for September 2007 LevelsThousands Employed13‘234 Unemployed (official definition)3’945 Labour force17’178 Discouraged work-seekers3’425 RatesPercentages Unemployment rate23.0 Expanded unemployment rate (own calculation)35.8 Labour force participation rate56.5 Source: Labour Force Survey, September 2007, Statistics South Africa
Yet South Africa has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world today YearUnemployment Rate Argentina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Chile Hungary Malaysia Mexico Panama Poland South Africa Turkey Uruguay Venezuela Source: Key Indicators of the Labour market, 5th Edition, ILO
The burden of unemployment is worse for Women and Black African workers Source: Labour Force Survey, September 07, Statistics South Africa
….and for those living in the poorer provinces and rural areas Source: Labour Force Survey, September 07, Statistics South Africa
Unemployment levels are highest among the youth….. Source: Labour Force Survey, September 07, Statistics South Africa
What does our main political parties and Government say about? “Decent Work and Social Justice” This is mandate of FEDUSA to engage the social partners (Organised Labour, Business and Government) to create decent employment for our people and to defeat poverty
Fair Labour Practices Regulation of the employment industry Unfair Labour practices International Examples of best practices European Countries - Labour and Business through social dialogue establish minimum standards In South Africa evidence of negative reaction NEDLAC – engagement between FEDUSA (UASA) and Capes (MOU) 1% levy of employment bill and Permanent Structure
Regulation No Minimum Standards Decent Work Ban Labour Brokers
Decent work is captured in four strategic objectives: Fundamental principles and rights at work and international labour standards; Employment and income opportunities; Social protection and social security; and Social dialogue and tripartism. These objectives hold for all workers, women and men, in both formal and informal economies; in wage employment or working on their own account; in the fields, factories and offices; in their home or in the community.
THE FIVE KEY PRIORITIES OF THE NEXT ANC GOVERNMENT 1.creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods,,, 4.crime and 5.rural development, including land reform, food production and security. To address these developmental priorities, the ANC government will build on the economic and social progress of the last 15 years to deal with the challenges that lie before us. Primarily we will ensure that we work towards a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive economic development path, which will enable us to address these priorities.
Employment MUCH MORE NEEDS TO BE DONE Despite major achievements of the last 15 years, much more needs to be done. Many households and communities, including single-headed and child-headed communities, remain trapped in poverty. Unemployment remains unacceptably high. Related to this has been a growth in casualised, sub-contracted and outsourced labour, aggravated by the growth of labour brokers. Inequality has increased, with a growing number of working poor whilst at the same time the workers share of national income has been declining. Accompanying high unemployment and inequality is the rising cost of living for many of our people Therefore, the Manifesto will place the large-scale creation of decent work opportunities at the centre of our economic agenda, to deal with the triple challenge of unemployment, inequality and poverty
DA - CREATING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL South African policy makers have two responsibilities; not only do they need to respond to the immediate problems caused by the credit crisis but also have to improve the productivity of our workforce and facilitate further investment in the productive capacity of our economy. This is the only way that our economy can provide more opportunities for jobs to the millions of people who are sidelined by poverty and unemployment and ensure South Africa's future prosperity. The DA's economic policy allows for a virtuous cycle of skills development, infrastructure and technology investment, improved productivity and increased employment. Wage subsidies, the simplification of our labour and tax regulations and the elimination of the skills development levy will cut the cost of doing business and encourage employers to hire first time workers and improve their productivity through on-the-job training.
COPE While South Africa has enjoyed macro economic stability and sustained economic growth, more can be done to ensure that trade and enterprise development becomes a priority. In this regard, at the top of our agenda is also the creation of decent jobs in recognition of the fact that (a) employment, is the principal route for our people out of poverty, (b) workers have rights (c) workers should have social protection to safeguard income and underpin health and (d) dialogue is crucial to ensuring the joint participation of employers’ and workers’ organizations in shaping government decisions. COPE is painfully aware that many South Africans are unemployed or currently losing their jobs, and that families face increased hunger and poverty because of the difficult global and local economic conditions.
President Motlanthe at FEDUSA Congress 6 Nov 08 “once more your theme "Social Justice through Decent Work" provides an ideal conceptual platform for deliberations in the context of the current global financial challenges just outlined. The notion of social justice is a key element of the prosperous society we all seek to build. Implied in this concept is the need for society to access basic social services to enhance the quality of life of its people. Similarly, decent work essentially means permanent work as opposed to casualisation of labour, which subjects the working people to a life of uncertainty and anxiety. It encases the idea of good working conditions which ultimately work out to a fulfilling working environment. Equally, it is common knowledge that the creation of employment is a challenge that must be tackled by government and all important social partners.”
Thank You