What Do I Owe The Local Church?
Obligations In All Our Relationships God made us all to be people-driven cp. Gen 2:18 Mt 5:13-16 All of us need interaction with others cp. Eccl 4:9-12 Prov 27:17 All our relationships have “obligations” Especially the one we have with God Mt 22:21
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church The previously-mentioned principles also apply in this relationship Assumptions to make before proceeding… Ê We have already answered the gospel’s call for our salvation 2 Thess 2:13-14
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church The previously-mentioned principles also apply in this relationship Assumptions to make before proceeding… Ë We have already been added by the Lord to the universal church Acts 2:47 What then are our obligations “locally?”
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Initiative in becoming a member Some Christians fail in this area Some think if they attend long enough, they are automatically a member of a church Others think they’ll be asked to join a church Neither of these views are correct, Biblical
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Initiative in becoming a member Saul of Tarsus provides an example Acts 9:26 He tried to “join” the local group of disciples who worshiped in Jerusalem “To glue, cement” cp. Lk 10:11 Rom 12:9 He took it upon himself to identify there
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ê In our attendance Heb 10:25 It needs to be regular, not irregular “Showing up” anytime the church is meeting indicates support cp. Acts 2:46 Even punctuality is key cp. Acts 10:33
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ë Of her teaching Acts 2:42 First Christians continued “steadfastly” Not a “casual” acceptance They diligently embraced what the apostles taught cp. Lk 10:16
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ë Of her teaching Acts 2:42 Some modern-day Christians don’t react to teaching as did the 1st Christians Sometimes the preacher, elders catch the ire of disapproving brethren cp. Gal 4:16
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ì Toward our brethren Because the church is people, the root issue is fellowship Fellowship is both “vertical” (with God) and “horizontal” (with man) 1 Jn 1:1-7
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ì Toward our brethren Local church fellowship = a partnership among people with “baggage” No local church is immune from the pitfalls of brethren’s past failures
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ì Toward our brethren Only the universal church enjoys “Divine protection” cp. 2 Tim 2:19 At times, local churches make mistakes re: fellowship 2 Jn Jn 9-10
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ì Toward our brethren Good things happened at the local church in Ephesus Acts 19:17-20 Yet, she had some problems…some of the “baggage” Rev 2:2-6
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Obligations In The Local Church Support as a member Rom 12:10-11 Ì Toward our brethren Notice what wasn’t advocated… Go start a new church, or “church hop” What was advocated? Eph 4:2, 3, 16, 32
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Conclusion Our most important relationship is with God If we are striving to maintain this covenant with God, that will include our obligations to be fulfilled in the local church This local church has a lampstand Rev 1:20 2:5
What Do I Owe The Local Church? Conclusion The Lion who was slain, yet lives is in the midst of the throne, and He walks among the lampstands Rev 5:6 2:1 For Eastside to maintain His approval, we must fulfill our obligations… both individually & collectively Eph 4:16
What Do I Owe The Local Church?