Odysseus, a warrior from Ithaca, devised a plan to defeat Troy.


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Presentation transcript:

Odysseus, a warrior from Ithaca, devised a plan to defeat Troy.

Some of the Olympians who favored Troy decided to punish Odysseus by making his journey home difficult. But the mighty Athena favored Odysseus and guided his way.

Along the way, Odysseus and his crew encountered many obstacles. Polyphemus the Cyclops CHARYBDIS&SCYLLACHARYBDIS&SCYLLA The Sirens

The Cattle of the Sun God The House of Hades

Ten years after leaving Troy, Odysseus returns to Ithaca.

He is reunited with his son, his loyal dog and must defeat the suitors to find Penelope… Telemachus Argos The Archery Contest The Suitors Penelope

… who questioned his true identity. Odysseus proved his identity to Penelope by describing their marriage bed.

All images from Google Images