EU Policy Workshop Development of offshore wind energy & Concerted Action for the deployment of offshore wind energy COD Imar Doornbos Ruud de Bruijne Ministry of Economic Affairs SenterNovem EWEC 2004, London
OWE workshop l Organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs in co-operation with COD l Aim: Recommend policy measures l Attended by: - Authorities EU member states - EWEA; ETSO; NGO’s
OWE workshop what was discussed? => Background document => Background document l Market development l Grid integration l Environmental impact => Workshop Declaration
OWE workshop why offshore wind?
OWE workshop Market development l Targetted & planned projects: 40,000 MW l Costs ~ 2 mio. €/MW => € /kWh likely to go down to € /kWh l RTD priority in FP7 Wind Energy Technology Platform
OWE workshop Market development
OWE workshop Grid integration l R l Research for optimal technical and least-cost solutions l International co-operation (COD, ETSO, UCTE) to help memberstates reach RES targets l Priority access on interconnectors
OWE workshop Grid integration l Possible solutions: - Dedicated grid codes - More interconnector capacity - Better weather forecasting - New storage techniques - Flexibility of demand - …...
OWE workshop Environmental Impact l Positive impacts important => meet RES targets in time l Negative impacts need research => international co-operation and joint research => compare with other electricity generation technologies => cumulative impact
OWE workshop Follow up l Declaration discussed in EU Energy & Telecom Council Meeting next week l Copenhagen Offshore Wind 2005 welcomed for discussion follow up Egmond
Concerted action for Offshore wind energy Deployment of COD Project funded by EC (FP5) Concerted action for Offshore wind energy Deployment of COD Project funded by EC (FP5)
Who is COD?
What does COD? Collect and analyse data from: Collect and analyse data from: l Environmental impact offshore windfarms - (S)EIA’s & monitoring programmes l Legislation, consents procedures l Electrical infrastructure - Grid integration studies Draw guidelines and best practices Draw guidelines and best practices
1st results COD l Website l Database Environmental impact => All available studies in one overview => Regular updates l Overview first baseline and impact studies - first (preliminary) conclusions l OWE workshop
Next deliveries (2005) l Overview grid integration studies l Overview legislation and consents procedures l Guidelines / best practices
More information l OWE workshop CDR (picture) l Website NL Ministry of Economic Affairs => workshop declaration l Website COD => COD documents & workshop documents (background doc.; declaration) l /