EU Policies and Action to Promote Offshore Wind Energy Niels Ladefoged Policy Officer European Commission DG Energy and Transport Unit D1 – Regulatory policy & Promotion of renewable energies
| 2 Outline. Background – EU policy on renewable energy » History/progress so far » Changing gear as part of Europe’s new energy policy. Commission Communication on Offshore Wind. Next Steps. Examples of EU activities » European Coordinator » WindSpeed project
| : White Paper on renewables: double the share of Renewable energy from 6 to 12 % by 2010 (indicative EU target). 2001:Directive 2001/77/EC sets national indicative targets for RES-share of electricity in 2010 (BE: 6%. EU total: 21% (after RO/BG entry)). (2003: Directive 2003/30/EC requires Member States to set national indicative targets for biofuels) Existing framework EU policy on renewable energy - existing framework
| 4 EU policy on renewable energy - limited progress on renewable electricity
| 5 New energy policy 1/3 3 pillars of EU energy policy: sustainability, security of supply, competitiveness EU policy on renewable energy - drivers for change. Growing concern about security, continuity and costs of oil and gas supplies; rising energy prices, despite the increased efficiency resulting from EU market liberalisation. Climate change. EU competitiveness policy: need for innovative industrial development and leadership
| 6 New energy policy 2/3 EU policy on renewable energy - becoming part of mainstream Energy Policy for Europe. Commission follow-up (1/2) » 3rd internal energy market package (Sept. 07) » Strategic Energy Technology plan (Nov 07) » Climate-energy package (Jan. 08) of proposals: Renewable energy Directive Revised EU ETS directive National GHG targets for non-ETS sectors Revised Environmental State Aid Guidelines Framework for carbon capture and storage
| 7 New energy policy 2/3 EU policy on renewable energy - becoming part of mainstream Energy Policy for Europe. Commission follow-up (2/2) » Second Strategic Energy Review (SER II) (Nov ‘08) Offshore Wind Communication Greenpaper on energy networks Proposing the development of a ”blueprint for a North Sea offshore grid” » EU Economic Recovery Plan (Nov. 08) 500 mio.€ for offshore wind projects (Jan ’09)
| 8. Public consultation conducted in the spring 2008 to identify » key barriers specific to OWE » possible EU action to reduce / overcome these. Communication on policy conclusions published 13 November 2008 as part of SER II package (NB: Corrigendum issued 12 Dec. 08: Com(2008)768 final/2) Communication on Offshore Wind - process
| 9 Offshore Wind Communication on Offshore Wind - stakeholder feedback on key barriers
| 10 Communication on Offshore Wind - key conclusions (1). OWE can and must make a substantial contribution to 2020 objectives through a very significant increase — in the order of times by 2020 and 100 times by 2030 — in installed capacity compared to today. Member States need to use the National Action Plans to spell out clearly their ambitions for offshore wind and take the necessary action.
| 11 Communication on Offshore Wind - key conclusions (2). Commission commits to » seek to facilitate regional cooperation on offshore energy site-and grid planning between Member States, and relevant stakeholders; » encourage the Members States to implement maritime spatial planning; » encourage TSOs and energy regulators to step-up cooperation to urgently put in place more favourable regulatory conditions for investments in transnational offshore grids, for cross-border trade and for the development of efficient balancing power markets;
| 12 Communication on Offshore Wind - key conclusions (3). Commission also commits to » emphasise offshore related research under FP7 and review the possibilities for stepping up support to accelerate the development and market deployment of offshore wind and other marine renewables; » emphasise offshore wind energy in the Intelligent Energy- Europe programme; » issue guidance on the application of the EU nature conservation legislation in the context of wind farms, and ensure that Member States designate marine protected areas under the Birds and Habitats Directives in a timely way; » consider the large-scale integration of offshore wind in the electricity grids as key issue for the follow-up of the Green Paper on European Energy Networks.
| 13 Next steps. Formal adoption of the RES Directive. Political agreement on Internal Market package. Preparation of National RE Action Plans (template in June ’09). Finalisation on Guidelines on wind and nature legislation in the EU. Proposal of TEN-T revision by early 2010?. Dedicated funding under the Recovery Plan?. Developing a blueprint for a North Sea/West offshore grid » Pulling together pieces » Continued work of the European Co-ordinator » Dialogue w. regulators, TSO and other stakeholders » Use analysis e.g. from EWIS, TradeWind etc.
| 14 EU activities – example: Eur. Coordinator - background. Possibility provided for under Guidelines on Trans- European Energy Networks (TEN-E). Georg W. Adamowitsch appointed in September Coordinator for Offshore Wind Energy in Northern Europe (Baltic and North Seas). Role is to facilitate dialogue & cross-border cooperation. 1st annual report published in Sept. »
| 15 EU activities – example: Eur. Coordinator - work plan for second year (2008/2009). Action 1: Promote Kieger’s Flak as 'best practice case' for the integration of off-shore wind farms for three countries. » Workshop(s). Action 2: Promote the development of the off-shore grid in the North Sea in modular form connecting Norway with other markets. » Workshop(s). Action 3: The role of the regulators is clarified for specific off-shore and on-shore projects » Workshop. Action 4: Analysis of possible changes to EU legislation for shortening the authorisation process. » Position paper
| 16 Kriegers Flak Separate Solution. Realize socioeconomic welfare on both national and regional scale. Overcome with barriers from different national legal framework: » Support schemes for renewables » Market rules » Regulations (costs and benefits) Rødsand Storebælt Güstrow Rostock Kiel Lübeck Siedenbrünzow Herrenwyk Audorf Siems Kontek Gørløsegård Bjæverskov Hovegård Fraugde Kingstrup Herslev Rislev Radsted Kriegers Flak Baltic Line Lüdershagen Lubmin Bentwisch Kruseberg Barsebäck Hurva Sege Söderåsen Baltic I Combined Solution ”International Test Field”: Kriegers Flak Combining wind farm connections with a three-legged interconnector Working Hypothesis: Replacing of three single by one common solution offers considerable benefits involving technically advanced, three legged interconnector for modest additional costs.
| 17 EU activities – example: WindSpeed project. Funded by Intelligent Energy Europe programme. Objectives and tasks include » Develop a roadmap for large scale deployment of offshore wind in the Central and Southern North Sea » Develop a GIS-based Decision Support System (DSS), allowing for a prioritised spatial deployment plan for offshore wind energy » Establish inventories of (i) wind potential, location specific wind energy costs, current and future infrastructure plans, marine planning and regulatory regimes (ii) current and future presence of other sea functions and their interactions..
| 18 Thank you for your attention! For more information:. (EU & energy in general) (2nd Strategic Energy Review incl. Offshore Wind Communication) Examples of projects that receive(d) EU support: (WINDBARRIERS) (CA-OWE, COD, …) (EWIS)