Syntax, Communication and Message Standard
Nordic Ediel Group NBS info day, April 29 th 2014 Nordic Balancing System Syntax, Communication and Message Standard
History Ediel Nordic Forum is founded (1995) Nordic Ediel Group ebIX® is founded (2003) ETSO/TF-14 (2001) ENTSO-E/WG-EDI (2009) NEG is founded ENTSO-E starts cooperation with IEC (2010) ebIX®, EFET and ENTSO-E Harmonisation Group is founded (2003) Ediel starts participating in UN/CEFACT (1997) ebIX® starts Customer Switching project with Eurelectric (2006) NEG Project for Nordic (TSO) Energy Market Model for data exchange (NEMM) (2008) NTC (2014) ebIX® starts cooperation with IEC (2013) eSett Oy established (Dec. 2013)
Syntax Two alternatives: I.EDIFACT II.XML AAA T09:30:47Z UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOC: :14:….. UNH+1+MSCONS:D:96A:ZZ:E2NO6A' BGM+7+AAA NA' DTM+137: :203' DTM+163: :203' DTM+164: :203' DTM+ZZZ:1:805' NAD+FR :NO3:82 ….
Why XML The Danish Datahub have already implemented XML documents based on ebIX® and ENTSO-E standards Nord Pool Spot will offer XML interface spring 2014 No existing alternative to XML for ENTSO-E documents Most other markets (Banks, Health care, Transport…) has migrated, or has started to migrate to XML NBS requires changes to all systems and changing syntax seems like a small additional cost Conclusion: XML is the best choice for NBS message syntax
Means of communication
NBS requirements for means of communication Same standard for all Nordic countries Encryption (parts of the market) Typically for bids to the different markets Compression (XML are large) The new formats will be notably bigger Must handle both: many-to-many communication (FI, NO, SE) one-to-many communication (DK, i.e. datahub)
Possible protocols SMTP Used in Norway and Sweden today FTP Used in Finland today Web Services Used in Denmark today E.g. AS4 or ebMS 3.0 Not seen as realistic without a central hub, hence not further elaborated MADES A strong candidate for a common Nordic communication platform
MADES (MArket Data Exchange Standard) General communication standard based on web-services developed by ENTSO-E to facilitate reliable and secure exchange of documents Supports Encryption compression Authentication non-repudiation Published by IEC as Technical Specification (2013) The ECP (ENTSO-E Communication Platform) is free for the industry
MADES Network
Status NBS has not yet made a decision regarding means of communication Comments from the industry are welcomed!
Message Standard
NBS message exchanges Business Requirement Documentation NBS has asked the Nordic Ediel Group (NEG) to specify the message exchanges related to NBS. This includes a set of Business Requirement Specifications (BRS): BRS for NBS, version 1r4 (between NBS and market actors) BRS for NBS, TSO/NPS communication, version 1r2 (between NBS and TSO/NPS) Overview of information exchange sequence diagrams Harmonised roles used in Nordic settlement role model and definitions of roles Process areas UseCases, activity diagrams and process descriptions Data view Class diagrams and attribute usage
NBS message exchanges Technical Documentation NBS User Guide for XML documents Detailed description of data elements, formats, codes…. Example XML files Aggregated_Data_per_MGA_for_Settlement_Responsible-E31-E44.xml EAR-Example.xml ESS-Schedule-Example.xml ESS-Confirmation-Example.xml Validated_Data_for_Settlement_for_Aggregator-E66-E44.xml Aggregated_Data_per_Neighbouring_Grid_for_Settlement_Responsible-E31-E44.xml Validated_Data_for_Settlement_for_Aggregator-MGA-E66-E44.xml Common Nordic XML rules and recommendations Acknowledgement process Basic rules for dates, times and periods …
Settlement in the overall context
Breakdown of the settlement phase
NBS Scheduling Phase Exchange Load Profile Shares (before the delivery month) Arrow 1 is not handled in the first version of NBS Arrow 2 and 3 are published on web
NBS Scheduling Phase Report trade from Elspot and Elbas (before operational hour) Green arrows are document in NBS BRS for TSO/NPS communication Blue arrows are documented in other BRSs from NEG
NBS Scheduling Phase Report bilateral trade Black arrows are documented in NBS BRS Green arrows are document in NBS BRS for TSO/NPS communication Blue arrows are documented in other BRSs from NEG
NBS Scheduling Phase Plan production Green arrows are document in NBS BRS for TSO/NPS communication Blue arrows are documented in other BRSs from NEG
NBS Scheduling Phase Report trade from Balance Regulation Market Green arrows are document in NBS BRS for TSO/NPS communication Blue arrows are documented in other BRSs from NEG
NBS Metering and Settlement Phase Exchange Metered data for End Customer billing Blue arrows are documented in other BRSs from NEG
NBS Metering and Settlement Phase Exchange metered data for imbalance settlement (2 – 13 days after delivery day) Black arrows are documented in NBS BRS Red arrows are document in NBS BRS, but proposed removed form NBS BRSs (not part of NBS scope) Arrow 10 will be published on web
NBS Metering and Settlement Phase Aggregated consumption per MGA will be further split into: Interruptible consumption Pumped etc. Settle imbalance Blue arrows will be published on web Black arrows are documented in NBS BRS
NBS Reconciliation Phase Reconcile (not part of the first phase of NBS) Arrow 1 will be detailed by HNR Arrow 2 is an internal dataflow within the DSO Black arrows is not handled in the first version of NBS
Acknowledgements NBS will use the ENTSO-E acknowledgement process NBS will acknowledge all documents received NBS expect an acknowledgement in return for all documents sent The ENTSO-E acknowledgement document is simplified in comparison to the documents used today (CONTRL/APERAK) One structure Less detailed codes
The main processes and data exchanges have been specified, however some issues still remain How to exchange master data (structure data), such as MBA-MGA and MGA-MGA relations Party information (IDs, responsibilities, roles, contacts …) Address register Test portal Maintenance requests to ebIX ® and ENTSO-E Intermediate Nordic solutions will be used until/unless accepted by ebIX ® and ENTSO-E Specification of technical details Identification schemes Identification of Time Series Rules for Direction, Delta value, signing convention
Links to documentation BRS for NBS, between NBS and market actors Nordic Balance Settlement (NBS) BRS for NBS, including flows outside of NBS BRS for NBS, TSO/NPS communication NBS User Guide for XML documents Example XML files Nordic TSO XML Project Common Nordic XML rules and recommendations
Thank you for your kind attention! Jan Owe Svenska kraftnät Jari Hirvonen Fingrid Ove Nesvik Edisys Consulting AS