EU Directive On Needlestick Injuries May 19 th 2013
Why a Special Directive ? Problems Large numbers of health staff across the board in Europe suffer neeedlestick Injuries Transmission of blood borne diseases Possible ruination of the health of person who sustains injury Psychological effects If infection occurs –loss of career & possibly of life Expense related to treatment and absence of staff and possible financial awards Solutions Strict training of staff in safety procedures Make staff aware of the risks Regular assessment of staff using needles Provision of appropriate safety devices & training in their use Commitment by health authority by putting in place policies which must be folllowed
The Purpose of the Directive To achieve the safest possible working environment To prevent injuries caused by medical sharps To protect workers at risk To set up integrated policies re:- Risk assessment, training etc. To put in place response and follow up procedures.
Facts & Figures In France the number of needlestick injuries was reduced by 75% by introducing safety devices with appropriate training In Europe 20% of needlesticks are suffered by doctors, 40% by nurses. Sweden reckoned needlesticks cost them E850,000 per annum Germany has 500,000 needlestick injuries a year
More Facts On the Continent, generally speaking, most venepunctures are done by doctors and nurses. Phlebotomists, where used, have a low incidence of needlestick but it does happen The Directive covers ALL needle users including those giving injections/anesthetics etc.
What can Phlebotomists do ? Staff can :- Ensure you are receiving up to date training Insist on being supplied with proper safety equipment with training Ensure your Department Head, your fellow colleagues, HR Dept, & your employer are aware of and implement the Directive Health Employer can do:- They must be aware of the Directive & its provisions They must implement them They will liable if safety equipment and training is not provided It is compulsary for all member states to abide by the Directive
Be Aware:- If your employer does provide proper safety devices and training and you do not avail of them, should you sustain a needlestick injury you will not be able to claim against them Ensure your Head of Department supports your right to proper training and equipment If your employer does not provide safety devices & training & you sustain an injury you will have a claim
The Last Word As health professionals working under pressure with dangerous equipment, infected blood and often very sick patients you owe it to yourself to ensure that you are protected from injury and infection. Phlebotomists are, overall, very committed to their profession and are very skilful. Don’t let someone else’s lack of duty to you ruin your life. PROTECT YOURSELF-ENSURE THE DIRECTIVE IS APPLIED IN YOUR AREA.