Welcome to 3 rd Grade! Mrs. Wallace Room 121
I went to Miami University and graduated with a degree in elementary education. I then went to NKU and got a degree in reading and writing instruction. I am in the process of going back to NKU for a 3 rd degree. This will be my 12 th year teaching, and my 9 th year teaching 3 rd grade. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Jim, for 6 years. We have a 5 year old named Kaci who will be in kindergarten this year. I also have 3 step-children. Justin is in the Air Force, Kelsey is a freshman in college, and Jordan is a sophomore in high school. We also have a cat named Lucky and a dog named Bella. About Mrs. Wallace
Our Daily Schedule 8:00-8:40 – Morning Routine 8:40-8:50 – Fluency Poem 8:50-9:25 – Guided Reading 9:25-10:20 – Leveled Reading/Centers 10:20-11:05 – Writing Workshop 11:05-11:30 – Lunch 11:30-11:45 – Recess 11:45-12:35 – Special Area 12:35-2:00 – Math 2:00-2:30 – Science/Social Studies 2:30 – 3:05 – Read Aloud/ Self-Selected Reading 3:05-3:15 – Daily Reflection 3:15 - Dismissal
Fluency Poem – Each morning, we will practice reading a poem to focus on improving our reading fluency. Guided Reading – During this time, we will be reading texts from our reading book focusing on specific reading skills and strategies. Centers – Students will practice their leveled readers in small reading groups and practice skills in various centers. Writing Workshop – Students will be writing in their writer’s notebooks daily and will publish a piece of writing each month. Read Aloud/Self-Selected Reading – During this time, students will be applying their reading skills and strategies while practicing texts of their choosing. Language Arts
Your child will be assigned 10 pattern words on Monday based on their pretest (regular list or challenge list). There will also be 5 high frequency words added to their list. On Friday, the students will have a test over their 10 words, their 5 high frequency words, plus an additional 5 words that follow the assigned pattern. These words will focus on the application of the given skill. Word Study
We will be using several methods to teaching math this year, including Everyday Math and supplemental materials. Students will be tested daily on math facts (addition/subtraction - August-October, multiplication/division – November-May). It is a requirement that students know their multiplication facts from memory by the end of 3 rd grade. Math
Each night, the students will have a math assignment and will need to fill out their reading log. Spelling lists will be sent home on Monday but there will not be any assigned homework unless requested by parents or if a child is not making adequate progress. Additional homework may be sent home as needed based on student needs. Any work not completed at school may also be sent home, as needed. If homework is taking too long, contact me so that we can find a solution. Homework
I use a behavior system in my classroom. Your child’s behavior points will be written in their planner each day. 5-great day! (receive 2 cents) 4-warning (receive 1 cent) 3-note home 2-owe 5 minutes of recess(walking)/note home 1-owe all of recess(walking)/phone call home/office The 3 rd grade uses a coin system based on daily points. These coins are used in various way in our classroom. Behavior System
My Goal plain and simple My goal is to help your child succeed, plain and simple. We must work together to help meet this goal! Please contact me any time throughout the year by phone, , or note if you have any questions or concerns.
If you have any questions or would like more information about anything from this presentation, please ask. Questions?