GERDA General Meeting, Tübingen, November 2005 Nitrogen and argon radiopurity Grzegorz Zuzel for TG11 MPI-K Heidelberg MPI-K Heidelberg
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar, 42 Ar and 85 Kr - in argon - in nitrogen 222 Rn in nitrogen and argon - concentrations in different qualities - concentrations in different qualities - emanation from the storage tanks - emanation from the storage tanks - purification tests - purification tests Purification system for LN 2 /LAr (?) Conclusions and planned activity Outline
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar, 42 Ar and 85 Kr Q-value of 39 Ar and 85 Kr below 700 keV – relevant in case of dark matter detection Dead-time could be a problem when Ar scintillation is used (slow decay time: ~ 1 µ s) 42 Ar is naturally low Decay mode Source Concentration (STP) 222 Rn T 1/2 = 3.8 d , , Primordial 238 U 1 - ?00 Bq/m 3 air 85 Kr T 1/2 = 10.8 y (687 keV), 235 U fission (nuclear fuel reprocessing plants) 1.4 Bq/m 3 air 1.2 MBq/m 3 Kr 39 Ar T 1/2 = 269 y (565 keV) Cosmogenic 17 mBq/m 3 air 1.8 Bq/m 3 Ar 42 Ar T 1/2 = 32.9 y (600 keV) Cosmogenic 0.5 µ Bq/m 3 air 50 µ Bq/m 3 Ar
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar and 85 Kr in argon Dead time: Assume 10 m 3 active volume Assume 10 m 3 active volume – 39 Ar rate: 15 kHz 1.5 % Fine! – 85 Kr rate not higher ≤ 0.3 ppm Kr required Results from a 2.3 kg WARP test stand : ~ 0.6 ppm Other measurement possibilities: -mass spectrometry of Kr -direct counting of 85 Kr
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar in argon 39 Ar and dark matter detection (H. Simgen)
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar, 42 Ar and 85 Kr in argon 39 Ar gives a significant increase of background in the low energy region Ar scintillation used as a veto helps, however... background index stays at the level background index stays at the level of ~ 1 cts/keV rec /kg/y, which limits the ability for dark matter detection of ~ 1 cts/keV rec /kg/y, which limits the ability for dark matter detection Kr present in Ar at the ppm level would give similar contribution (through 85 Kr) Contribution from 42 Ar gives 4 events/(kg y keV) at Q and is also negligible for dark matter
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar and 85 Kr in nitrogen Description Ar [ppm] Kr [ppt] MESSER RPN 2 (4.0, used in HD) Air Liquide RPN 2 (4.0, used at GS) 1040 Air Liquide HPN Air Liquide Linde Worms (7.0) SOL Mantova (6.0) Westfalen AG Hörstel (6.0) ppt Kr = 1 µBq/m 3 (STP) 1 ppm Ar = 1.2 µBq/m 3 (STP) If LN 2 is used 39 Ar and 85 Kr should not affect detection of dark matter
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 39 Ar, 42 Ar and 85 Kr - in argon - in nitrogen 222 Rn in nitrogen and argon - concentrations in different qualities - concentrations in different qualities - emanation from the storage tanks - emanation from the storage tanks - purification tests - purification tests Purification system for LN 2 /LAr (?) Conclusions and planned activity Outline
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 222 Rn in nitrogen and argon According to the simulations: 222 Rn in LN 2 /LAr at the level of ~ 0.3 mBq/m 3 → B ~ cts/keV/kg/y 0.3 mBq/m 3 liquid → 0.5 µBq/m 3 gas (STP)
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 222 Rn concentration in Ar of different qualities (Westfalen AG) Quality 222 Rn concentration [mBq/m 3 (STP)] Remarks ± 0.2At the filling time ± 0.03At the filling time Specification: 0.5 mBq/m 3 gas (STP)
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 222 Rn concentration in N 2 of different qualities Quality 222 Rn concentration [mBq/m 3 (STP)] – ~ Conclusions: - initial 222 Rn content in nitrogen is lower than in argon of a similar class - however 222 Rn decays (T 1/2 =3.8 d) – emanation from the storage tank limits the final purity
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen 222 Rn emanation from storage tanks Tank description Volume [m 3 ] 222 Rn emanation rate [mBq] Storage tank for argon 5.0 (Westfalen) ± 7 Storage tank for argon 6.0 (Westfalen) ± 2 Special storage tank for ultra-pure gases (Linde) ± ± 0.3 C Rn 1µBq/m 3 Ar (STP) It should be possible to have argon with low enough 222 Rn concentration without purification
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Outline 39 Ar, 42 Ar and 85 Kr - in argon - in nitrogen 222 Rn in nitrogen and argon - concentrations in different qualities - concentrations in different qualities - emanation from the storage tanks - emanation from the storage tanks - purification tests - purification tests Purification system for LN 2 /LAr (?) Conclusions and planned activity
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Nitrogen purification from 222 Rn Liquid nitrogen purification plant works at GS for Borexino 222 Rn in N 2 before purif. ~50 μBq/m Rn in N 2 after purif. < 0.3 μBq/m 3 Red. factor: > 100 Ads. mass: ~2 kg
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Argon purification from 222 Rn 222 Rn in Ar before purif. ~200 μBq/m Rn in Ar after purif. < 0.5 μBq/m 3 Red. factor: > 400 Ads. mass: ~0.15 kg MoREx: Mobile Radon Extraction Unit
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Ar purification from 222 Rn Init. C Rn [mBq/m 3 ] Final C Rn [mBq/m 3 ] Red. factor R M Ads R/M Ads[1/kg] 0.20 ± 0.02 < (90% CL) > 400 > 2700 Purification in gas phase Purification in liquid phase Init. C Rn [mBq/m 3 ] Final C Rn [mBq/m 3 ] Red. factor R M Ads R/M Ads[1/kg] 5.4 ± ± ± ± Average: ~ 400
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen LN 2 /LAr purification from 222 Rn It is possible to effectively remove radon from argon / nitrogen Removal of 222 Rn from liquid phase is somewhat less effective than from gas phase
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Outline 39 Ar, 42 Ar and 85 Kr - in argon - in nitrogen 222 Rn in nitrogen and argon - concentrations in different qualities - concentrations in different qualities - emanation from the storage tanks - emanation from the storage tanks - purification tests - purification tests Purification system for LN 2 /LAr (?) Conclusions and planned activity
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Purification system for LN 2 /LAr (?) Having clean storage tanks we do not need a purification system, but it has several advantages: Having clean storage tanks we do not need a purification system, but it has several advantages: Operational conditions for the cryo-plant are more relaxed (safety, shorter “access” time) The same system can be used for LN 2 and LAr purification We know how to build such a plant (Borexino plant) Optimal column size ~200 g (LArGe) / ~1 kg (GERDA) of CarboAct (need some further tests)
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Purification system for LAr
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Conclusions LN 2 allows investigation of 0 2 (and dark matter) 39 Ar limits ability to detect dark matter if LAr is used It is possible to buy „ 222 Rn-free“ LN 2 (proven in frame of Borexino) 222 Rn content in fresh argon is higher than in nitrogen of similar quality It should be also possible to have „ 222 Rn-free“ LAr without purification – still to be confirmed 222 Rn removal from argon as effective as from nitrogen From the radiopurity point of view for GERDA 0 2 experiment LAr and LN 2 can be used
Nov Grzegorz ZuzelGERDA General Meeting, Tübingen Planned activity Measure 222 Rn content in argon after long storage in the tank of known emanation 85 Kr/Kr measurement in argon Test of a purification system for LArGe (design for GERDA) Full supply chain test of ultra-pure nitrogen for Borexino – results interesting also for GERDA