Forensic Odontology CSI UMMC
Applications Bite mark analysis Identification Dental malpractice
Training Dental training Licensed dentist Special classes and seminars Forensic Odontology certification from American Academy of Forensic Science
Human Identification Comparison of antemortem data with postmortem data Presumptive vs. positive identification
Positive identification Dental record comparison DNA Fingerprints Radiological
Dental Anatomy Primary (deciduous set) – 20 teeth Secondary (permanent set) – 32 teeth
Divisions of Teeth Maxillary set RU quadrant LU quadrant Mandibular set RL quadrant LL quadrant
Classification Incisors Central and lateral Canines Premolars (bicuspids) First and second Molars First, second and third
Dental Charts and X-rays Using a pre mortem x-ray and a dental chart any major construction is marked on the dental chart Using a post mortem x-ray and a dental chart features are also marked Comparative overlays of teeth angles and separations are also used to positively identify decedents
Bite Marks Often there are bite marks that can be used to identify perpetrators Photographic study and image enhancement with comparative study may exclude or positively identify a suspect Most often seen in rape, murder, child abuse and spousal abuse
Activity Look at dental x- rays and mark major features on the dental chart provided Look for Cavities Fillings Bridgework Missing teeth