Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India ( APCRI) Regd. PREVENTION OF RABIES : AN INFORMATION RESOURCE for SCHOOL CHILDREN AND PUBLIC
Genesis of the current set of slides Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India ( APCRI) Regd. Genesis of the current set of slides APCRI-National workshop at Mysore on 20th and 21st March 2010 for development of IEC material on prevention of rabies for school children and public. These slides intend to focus on creating awareness in school children and public about rabies and its prevention. 2 2
Genesis of the set of slides Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India ( APCRI) Regd. Genesis of the set of slides Inputs for the slides were obtained from: APCRI Members Representatives of Industry School children School Teachers Parents Available material from various sources The slides were evaluated for effectiveness on school children
Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India ( APCRI) Regd. Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India, expresses its sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed directly or indirectly for the development of these educational material. APCRI gratefully acknowledges the support in the form of unconditional grants from: Novartis Vaccines Zydus Fortiza Ranbaxy Bharath Biotech Sanofi Pasteur Synergy Diagnostics Human Biologicals
What is Rabies? Rabies is a disease caused by a virus Viruses are very tiny germs and you can only see them if you have a special ( Electron) microscope. Rabies is a deadly disease and almost all who get the disease die. There is NO CURE for the disease even today.
What is Rabies? Rabies can affect any mammal. Rabies affected animals spread the virus to other animals through their saliva (Mainly). We get the disease when we get Bitten, Scratched or Licked by an animal that has rabies.
Rabies Virus
In India one can get Rabies from these animals Dogs Cats Monkeys Wolves Cattle Sheep / Goats Mongoose Pigs Donkeys Horses Foxes / Jackals Elephants
In India Humans get Rabies Usually from Dogs Cats 3 – 5% of Human cases Cause > 90% of the Human cases
In India these animals are NOT known to spread Rabies Birds Rats Bats
How does one get rabies ? When there is a bite, lick or scratch from an animal that has rabies, the virus is transmitted to humans. Once inside the body, the virus travels along the nerves to the spinal cord and brain. Virus causes the brain to swell and the person with rabies dies.
FACTS ON RABIES 50% of the deaths due to Rabies are among children under 15 years age. Rabies can only be prevented. There is no treatment for rabies. People who develop the disease die. 20000 people die of rabies in India every year (1 every ½ hour). 17.4 million people are bitten by animals every year in India (1 every 2 seconds).
Prevention is better : Because there is NO CURE Steps to prevent rabies Avoid bites. If bitten tell elders at home. Always wash bite wounds. DO NOT apply any chilli powder, coffee powder or any other irritants to the wound. Consult your doctor.
HOW TO AVOID GETTING BITTEN Do not play with animals unless you are with an adult. Do not stare at or provoke any animal. Do not chase a dog or throw stones at them. Do not run if a dog chases you, instead stand still and call for help. Do not tease a dog even if it is your pet. If a dog attacks you then curl yourself and protect your face, be still and call for help.
HOW TO AVOID GETTING BITTEN Adults must supervise all animal - kid interactions. Do not give the animals hugs or kisses. Do not use aggressive punishment with the dog. Put the pet dog in his cell with its favorite toy to chew when there is a gathering at the home. Avoid stray dogs, cats and wild animals.
HOW TO AVOID GETTING BITTEN Never try to feed or approach a stray / wild animal. Be careful of pets that you do not know. If any animal is acting strangely, always tell the elders.
IF YOU ARE BITTEN, WHAT TO DO? Inform the elders immediately. Wash the wound with soap and water immediately for at least 15 minutes. Consult the doctor immediately so that he can decide on the further course of action to be taken.
IF YOU ARE BITTEN, WHAT TO DO? STEP - 1 Wash the wound immediately with water and soap for 15 minutes. Apply antiseptics like povidone iodine. Consult your doctor immediately. STEP – 2 A full course of rabies vaccine should be taken as per your doctor’s advice. STEP - 3 In severe bite cases, rabies immunoglobulin should be administered into the wounds.
IF YOUR PET BITES ANY PERSON Confine your dog immediately. Check and confirm the vaccination status of your Pet. Have your Pet checked by a veterinarian immediately. Wash the wounds of the bite victims with soap and water thoroughly, apply antiseptics. Immediately consult a doctor.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PET OWNER Carefully select your pet with the advice of veterinary doctor. Make sure it gets socialized from when it is a puppy. Keep it healthy and have it vaccinated as advised by the veterinarian. Allow children to play with your pet only when an adult of the family is physically present to supervise.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PET OWNER Neuter / Spay the pet. Always walk your dog on a leash so that it can´t run loose. All the family members should take pre -exposure vaccination.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PET OWNER If an animal bites your pet; Handle your pet carefully so you don´t get bitten too!!!. Take your pet to your veterinarian for booster vaccination.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PET OWNER Vaccinate your pet regularly: you owe it to your pet
How do you tell if an animal or your pet has rabies? General sickness. Difficulty in swallowing. Lots of drool or saliva. An animal that appears more tame than you would expect. An animal that bites at everything. An animal that's having trouble moving or may even be paralyzed.
It is important to remember that you can’t tell if an animal or your pet has rabies just by the way it’s acting.
What happens if one gets rabies? It can take one month, two months, or even longer after one is bitten / licked or scratched by a rabid animal to know that he / she is affected but by then it´s usually too late for doctors to help. The rabies virus attaches to nerve cells, working its way through the nervous system. Eventually the virus makes its way to the brain.
Symptoms of rabies in humans Fever, Headache, Sore throat, Feeling tired (these are the general symptoms). The signs include Pain and tingling at the place they were bitten. A fear of water because of sudden, strong tightening of the muscles in the throat. Fear of light, Fear of air (Breeze). These are unique to Rabies. Being paralyzed and unable to move parts of the body. Nervousness, confusion. Coma and death.
TREATMENT Once rabies is developed then there is no treatment that can save the life. BUT You can always prevent development of Rabies by Taking rabies prevention vaccination as soon after the bite / lick / scratch. Taking the rabies serum as per your doctor’s advise.
Remember Rabies is a 100% vaccine preventable disease. Vaccinate your pets. Stay away from stray animals. Appreciate wildlife from a distance. Avoid stray animals, others pets or wild animals. Always ask the owner or an adult before petting a dog, cat or any other animal. Never adopt wild animals or stray animals and bring them into your home without consulting a veterinarian.
Remember If your pet is bitten by another animal, tell an adult and call your veterinarian right away. Prevent your pets from straying far away from your house. Tell an adult if you see a wild or stray animal acting strangely.
Remember If you are bitten / licked / scratched by an animal, you should; Always wash the wound immediately with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Always inform the elders immediately. Always consult the doctor and follow the advice properly and completely.
Thank you