Average Order of Acquisition of English Grammatical Morphemes - 1 Order Morpheme Example(s) 1 Present progressive I driving 2-3 Prepositionsin, on 4 Pluralballs 5 Irregular past tensebroke, fell, threw 6 PossessiveDaddy's chair 7 Uncontractible copula This is hot 8 Articlesa, the 1
Order Morpheme Example(s) 9 Regular past tense She walked 10 3rd pres pres tense, reg He works 11 3rd pres pres tense, irreg She does 12 Uncontractible auxiliary The horse is winning 13 Contractible copula He's a clown 14 Contractible auxiliary She's drinking 2 Based on Brown (1973) and de Villiers & de Villiers (1978). Cited in Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, p Average Order of Acquisition of English Grammatical Morphemes - 2
1. went (unanalyzed; learned by rote) 2. goed (overregularized (or wented)) 3. went (analyzed; recognized as exception) 3 Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, pp Acquisition of Irregular Verb Forms
1. No doggie bite 2. Doggie no bite 3. Doggie doesn't bite (first unanalyzed; then analyzed) 4. Doggie does bite 4 Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, p Stages of Negative Acquisition
Stages of Question Acquisition 1. Where I should put it?(2-2.5 yrs) 2. What will you do now?( yrs) BUT: *Why you can't sit down? 3. Why won't you let me go? ( yrs) 5 Carroll, David W Psychology of Language, third edition. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, pp