BITE Scheme Report Shuai Yuan Department of Computer Science, UCL MediaGamma
Who am I Completing PhD student in Department of Computer Science, UCL Developer/Data Scientist of MediaGamma Joined the BITE Scheme 15 th Sep 2014 – 15 th Feb 2015 Research focuses on computational advertising Right, that’s about the annoying ads you see on every page in your browsers
MediaGamma Founded by Rael Cline (CEO) and Dr Jun Wang (CTO) in 2014 Aims To build a revolutionary futures and options advertising exchange For both Web and Mobile display ads How Jun is also my supervisor Why This start-up extends my research ideas
My day-to-day tasks Designing the system through discussions Coding to implement the prototype Documenting Studying feasibility for many of our ideas Meeting potential clients from the technical perspective
My benefits Online advertising works in a different way than I thought! (sometimes) Relations are important People have a complicated feeling about ‘disruptive’ tech Revolutionary things happen every day Have learned many financial concepts and applied formulas and algorithms Started to use (essential for production) Agile Test-driven
Benefits to MediaGamma Codes and algorithms, turning an idea to real My background and experience tell what is possible and what is difficult (there could be a few technical solutions to an idea)
Future plans Continue to work as a full-time employee More leaning towards the data analytical tasks