LEARNING TARGET AND SUCCESS CRITERIA LT - Identify the steps in a learning centered pre-inquiry and post-inquiry conference. SC – I can tell a partner how to structure a conversation for growth with a teacher.
AWSP CRITERIA 5 Improving Instruction: Monitoring, assisting and evaluating effective instruction and assessment practices. Level 3: Proficient: Develops and uses observable systems and routines for monitoring instruction and assessment; uses data consistently to provide staff meaningful, personal feedback that is effective for improving instruction and assessment practice
ASSUMPTIONS 1.Teachers’ practice improves with on-going feedback 2.Feedback is best delivered in bite-size bits 3.Opportunities to practice and apply skill are critical to changing practice 4.Immediate application and follow-up is essential 5.Self-Assessment is at the heart of learning process 6.“Learning is done by the learner.”
PRE-INQUIRY/OBSERVATION CONFERENCE ●Purpose is to elevate the quality of the lesson(s) on a teacher’s area of focus ●One-on-one coaching session ●Teach transferable skills that can be generalized across multiple lessons ●Focuses on a lever (short-term feedback) in the area of focus
WHAT MAKES A GOOD LEVER? ●Teacher possesses the… ❖ skill ❖ resources ❖ knowledge …. to implement the strategy tomorrow. ●Addresses an area of the teacher’s and/or building’s focus ●Connected to a sub-dimension and indicator ●Can be generalized across multiple lessons and content areas
BEFORE PRE-INQUIRY/OBSERVATION CONFERENCE ● Prior to the pre-observation conference the evaluator reviews the teacher’s area of focus and possible lesson plan ● Determines lever ● Plans clarifying and probing questions to ask teacher using Pre-Inquiry Conference architecture as a guide
YOUR TURN ●Review case study/lesson plan ●Identify potential levers/short-term feedback ●Which ONE would you select? What is your rationale? ●What questions would you prepare?
PATTY’S PRE-CONFERENCE LEVER: Identify and communicate success criteria tied to the learning target at different levels. Success criteria clearly tells students what they should be able to do as a result of this lesson.
VIDEO Watch Mock Pre-Conference: Write down the key questions or comments that Nick (principal) makes while talking with Patty (teacher).
DEBRIEF Review your notes In your own words, name all of the steps he takes.
BETWEEN THE FINAL OBSERVATION AND POST-INQUIRY CONFERENCE ● Evaluator codes the scripted lesson to CEL indicators ● Evaluator prepares noticings and wonderings to share with teacher. ● Evaluator identifies lever (short term feedback) to discuss at post- inquiry conference ● Evaluator prepares to reference the rubric and indicator performance level in order articulate the lever (process for this depends on teacher) ● Evaluator may use the Post-Inquiry Conference Architecture to guide the conference (see handout)
PATTY’S POST-INQUIRY CONFERENCE LEVER: Student use of assessment data related to the success criteria. Agency and goal setting with students This will be the focus of the next inquiry cycle
POST-CONFERENCE VIDEO Watch Mock Post-Conference: Write down the key questions or comments that Nick (principal) makes while talking with Patty (teacher).
DEBRIEF 1.Review your notes 2.In your own words, name all of the steps in the post-observation/inquiry cycle process.
REFERENCES Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo CEL tools: Pre-Inquiry Conference architecture Post-Inquiry Conference architecture TPEP Website: tpep-wa.org