Musical Texture
Texture Texture results from the way voices and/or instruments are combined in music. It is concerned with the treatment of musical lines in a piece of music. A musical line is called a layer and texture refers to the combination of these layers, producing either a thin or a thick texture.
LAYERS To analyse the texture of a piece of music, we first need to decipher the types of layers that are present in it and then consider how the composer has treated each layer. It is important to identify what these layers are doing
Number of Layers If you listen carefully, the layers in the music will emerge. When you think you have picked out the number of layers in of music, separate them into the following categories: Single melody line Melody with accompaniment More than one melodic line Countermelody Non melodic / harmonic lines (eg rhythm section) You may come across all of these options in a piece of music, so try to specify which layer you are discussing by naming the instrument and stating where in the music it occurs.
Audio Examples 1 Sound Bites –5.1 - Single Melodic Line –5.2 - Melody with accompaniment –5.3 – More than one melodic line –5.4 – Countermelody –5.5 - Rhythmic Section
Harmonic Role Harmonic role refers to an instrument or voice holding the harmony in a piece of music. A harmonic role can provide: –A bass line (eg walking bass) –A constant chordal accompaniment (eg strumming guitars) –A drone
Rhythmic Role Rhythmic role refers to an instrument holding the rhythm in a piece of music. This is usually the rhythm section or sometimes the voice (beatboxing). It can be pitched (bass guitar riff) or non pitched (drums) A rhythmic role can provide: –A basic pulse –An ostinato –A rhythmic interest
Relation of layers to each other To give the layer context, we must try to compare it with other layers, that is, to analyse the relationship of the layers to one another. It can be useful to draw a diagram as a form of graphic notation.
Density Density refers to the thickness or a sound created by layers in a piece of music. Thick density – heavy, dense, rich, solid, bass heavy, loud, many instruments, solid chords, thick sounding instruments (eg tuba) – Sound bite 5.14 Thin density – light, transparent, sparse, few layers, soft volume, thin sounding instruments (eg piccolo) no harmony, broken chords – Sound bite 5.15
Texture Type Monophonic – Single melodic line (flute) Homophonic – single melodic line and harmonic accompaniment (voice and guitar chords) Polyphonic – two or more melodic lines player together. Heterophonic – two or more lines played at the same time with variations of the melody
Visual Representations
Monophonic Monophonic means “of one layer”. It is important to note that monophonic need not apply to on instrument or voice. A monophonic texture may involve: –one instrument or voice –- a group of instrumentalists or voices in unison –Soundbite 5.19 – monophonic from Medieval period –Soundbite 5.20 – modern monophonic example
Homophonic Homophonic texture is the most common texture type heard in music. With a melodic layer and a harmonic layer, it is the texture on which most music is based. Homophonic texture can also be heard in much SATB choral music, where the main melody is usually carried by one voice, with the other voices providing the harmony. To identify a homophonic texture, listen for melody and a harmony, rather than the number of instruments or voices. Soundbite 5.21 – Homophonic texture
Polyphonic A polyphonic texture is one in which the layers are intertwined and mixed. In the case of a fugue, which is a common example of polyphonic texture, the subject is the driving force, with other musical lines maintaining it. With this type of texture, each layer competes for the listeners attention. For a polyphonic texture, listen for two or more instruments with independent musical lines Soundbite 5.22 – Polyphonic Texture
Heterophonic A heterophonic texture is one in which the same melody is performed at the same time by more than one instrument or voice, but with different variations of the same melody. The texture is most common to cultures of the Middle east, China, Indonesia, Ireland and some parts of Africa mainstream music To identify heterophonic texture, listen for the same melody played by two or more parts, with elaboration in one part. Soundbite 5.23 – Heterophonic Texture