Who is CJ? Michigan Humane Society; Dir. Of Ops Daily operations Including evaluation APDT/CPDT Dog Behavior Consultant Pawsitive Start
A Brief History Where we are Today What the Future Could Hold CJ’s Dream World How do Asilomars Fit MHS’s P.A.T. How Why Where
Very Few Rescue Groups Shelters/ACs Had Time Limits Too Many Black Ones, Old Ones, Big Ones Return Rates and Revolving Doors Perpetuate…Shelter Pets Are Damaged Sue Sternberg in 1991 Kelley Bollen in 2008
Sue Sternberg Assess-A-Pet ASPCA’s S.A.F.E.R. Dr. Amy Marder Animal Rescue League MATCH-UP Different “custom” versions MHS uses our own P.A.T. Validation? Should you validate/how? What do we WANT to accomplish?
What’s the point? Then…how do we get there Validity/accuracy Consistency Owner info – where does that fit? CBARQ2 Is it possible to work together? Is it a dream? There are people out there…
Imagine if… We all spoke the same “language” Level 1 aggressive = growl, no bite Friendly = loose waggy body, low tail wag I.e. calm vs. fearful, exuberant vs. friendly Better transfer relationships Better decisions on behalf of the animals
And we don’t have to agree on what is adoptable!!! Do we?
Do you use them? Developed 2004 Designed to create commonality Healthy Treatable Untreatable Temperament Testing and Asilomar TTs “feed” into Asilomar Danger: garbage in…garbage out!
TTs were all done the same & validated Resulting in common assessments/definitions Creating better communication on animals’ behalves Results in more accurate Asilomar definitions Facilitate improved cooperation And we still don’t need to agree on what is adoptable!
MHS’s P.A.T. – Personality Assessment Tool “Tweaked” Assess-A-Pet Open Admission High Volume Do the very best with what we have Revise every year Goals on the horizon Validation – 30 day survey after adopt Combine history, observation, volunteers, P.A.T.
Why Make better matches – color code system Determine safety of placement Weigh risk factors – is it worth it Determine rehab/placement resources Reduce returns, bites and days in shelter How Training/certification program On-going training/testing Videos…
Test for: How social or “forgiving” is the dog Kennel Test Sociability Test Teeth Check Handling Excitability/Playfulness – play style Arousal Dog to Dog
Test for: Aggression Food bowl/Rawhide Stranger Dog to Dog Fearfulness Stranger
You determine the what (you’re testing for) Then comes the “how” Two people In the “right” order Rotties and food bowl! Proper technique/training Capture it NOW Consistency in “diagnosis”
Right away, 3 days, can you win? Time of day Does “chill time” help or hurt What About Where? Same room for every dog Quiet – is that reality? Keep testers safe
To determine how a dog will adjust to a new home environment To make great matches Color Code RIGHT DOG To help place safe animals To place animals through the proper channels No “one size fits all” Is there room for a universal/MI test?
CJ Bentley: C-BARQ: RIGHT DOG: Sue Sternberg’s Assess-A-Pet: ASPCA’s S.A.F.E.R.: safer.phphttp:// safer.php Dr. Marder’s MATCH UP: havior/MatchUpII.aspx havior/MatchUpII.aspx