What is a riddle? A riddle describes something common, but in a way that is confusing. Do you know any famous riddles?
Why are riddles poetry? Riddles were made into a popular poetic form by the Anglo-Saxons, especially in the Exeter Book, a collection of poetry that was published in the 10th Century (around 950 AD). Since they have a specific form and are laid out as poems, they are considered poetry. An Example: When I am alive I do not speak. Anyone who wants to takes me captive and cuts off my head. They bite my bare body I do no harm to anyone unless they cut me first. Then I soon make them cry. AN ONION!!!
Features of riddles Take a look at this riddle again. What are some of the features you notice? When I am alive I do not speak. Anyone who wants to takes me captive and cuts off my head. They bite my bare body I do no harm to anyone unless they cut me first. Then I soon make them cry. Did you get them all? First person Topic is speaker Figurative language: Personification, metaphor, simile Focus on function, habitat, sensory details
More riddles… Did you guess? A door We are a crystal zoo, Wielders of fortunes, The top of our professions. Like hard silver nails Hammered into the dark We make charts for mariners. John Cotton I do not have a body yet I grow constantly. Everyone wants to visit yet no one wants to live with me. Nobody can find me yet in the end, like the stuff between the stars I shall be everywhere. Bill Herbert A door in homes I have no hole for Those who flash through me I am way out For the night-watchers, but not a door but not for humans for a key, nor a handle, having no fingers. and way in the long-whiskered. U. A. Fanthorpe Did you guess? Stars The past A cat door
Your turn! Write your own riddle, following this format: A direct comparison with something unusual Something it is and something it isn't What it is used for/what people do with it Something descriptive (e.g. its colour, feel, sound, smell, shape etc.) When choosing your topic, remember that usually the most common objects work the best. Think about food, body parts, objects in your house or school, things you use on a daily basis…