A Taiwanese girl named Mary has invited her American friend, Gordon, to her house for dinner. They are now at the table, and Mary is trying to get Gordon.


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Presentation transcript:

A Taiwanese girl named Mary has invited her American friend, Gordon, to her house for dinner. They are now at the table, and Mary is trying to get Gordon to try more of the food being served. (M = Mary, G = Gordon)‏ Next

M: Ah! Here comes my mom with the freshly cooked “chou tofu”! Would you like to try some? G: Oh my God! What a terrible smell! Is this the famous “stinky tofu” that everyone is always talking about? To tell you the truth, Mary, I’m full right now. Next Back

M: No way! We’ve only just started our meal. Come on. Try it—just a small bite. It tastes better than it smells, I promise. G: I hope so.... Well, it tastes....uh.... interesting. Could I have some more Coke, please? M: Sure. Here you are. By the way, why don’t you try the soup? I think you would like it. Next Back

G: Thank you. It looks good. Mmm... It tastes good, too. What’s in it? M: It’s actually pig’s blood. Delicious, isn’t it? Help yourself to some more. G: Uh.... Did you say pig’s blood? Umm.... I’ll just stick with my Coke for now. Thanks. M: OK. Well, would you like to try a popular snack in Taiwan? Next Back

G: It looks like green paper. Mary, I have to ask you what’s in it before I try it. M: Don’t worry! It’s just dried seaweed. G: Oh my goodness. Maybe next time, but thanks anyway. Now I am really full! Back End

Tips for You 1. tofu  n. [U] 豆腐 Back

Tips for You 2. stinky  adj. 臭的 Back

Tips for You 3. seaweed  n. [U] 海草 Back

... get Gordon to try... →...have Gordon try......the food being served. 此句為關係子句 the food which is being served 所簡化而來的分詞 片語。 Back

Here comes my mom with the freshly cooked “chou tofu”! (1) Here comes... 表示「 … 來 了」。本句型為強調地方副詞 之倒裝句型,其主詞若為名詞 要倒裝,代名詞則不變。 Here comes the bus. Here you are. Back

(2) freshly cooked 表示「現煮的」。 Here comes my mom with the freshly cooked “chou tofu”!

What a terrible smell! 此為感嘆句的句型: What + a(n) + Adj + N (+ S + V)! → How + Adj (+ S + V)! What a smart boy James is! → How smart James is! Back

to tell (you) the truth ( 口語 ) 老實說 這句話通常置於句首,用來修飾或引 入說話者所要談論的事,屬於獨立不 定詞的用法。 Back

no way 常用來表示說話者的驚訝, 意思是「不會吧!不可能!」等。 A: Jessica is thirty this year. B: No way! She looks like a teenager. Back

come on 表示「懇求,勸說」。例: Please tell me. Come on! I promise 表示「我保證」。例: A: Will you return my report today? B: I promise. Back

by the way 表示「附帶一提」,通 常用在說話改變話題時。例: A: Where are you going, Sam? B: I am going to the library. By the way, will you go swimming with me this afternoon? Back

help yourself to 表示「自行取用 … 」, 其後通常接食物。例: Help yourself to more cookies. 本用法若是沒有受詞,則不必接 to 。 Help yourselves, please. Back

I'll just stick with my Coke for now. stick with 表示「繼續 … ,不捨 棄 … 」,在此是指:我現在只要繼 續喝著我的可樂就好了。 Back

Would you like...? 常用來表示「客 氣的提議或邀請」,在此是用來勸 進食物。例: Would you like some more fish? Back