Gone Fish’n
Fishing – The Activity of Catching Fish Hopes of catching the big one Relaxing Getting back to nature Sparks creative thinking Enjoy companionship of other like-minded enthusiast
Fishing Techniques Know where to find the fish Use good bait Learn how to cast Set the hook Don’t get discouraged What’s in your tackle box
Fishing & NAWIC Similarities Fish = NAWIC Prospect & Member Oh! I got a nibble = Letting your membership chair know about a prospect Boat = NAWIC Chapter & Region Sitting around a campfire telling fish stories = Networking – Building that connection Campfire = Passion for sharing NAWIC with others Tackle Box = Value of NAWIC Membership Gone Fish’n = Sharing NAWIC with others
Where to Fish? –Lake –River –Ocean –Favorite fishing hole Know your NAWIC Market –Contractors, Suppliers, Architects, Engineers, Insurance, Legal, Safety, Equipment, Subcontractors –Business Owners, Project Managers, Estimators, Administrative, Tradeswomen, Sales, Students –Commercial Construction, Heavy-Highway, Home Builders, Institutional –Union, Open Shop –Local & State Leaders
NAWIC & Fishing Similarities & Techniques Bait / Lure – Provide reel (real) value –Chapter newsletter, website, press release on upcoming activity or meeting –Regional & national website –Region 6 Director’s newsletter –National publications – Image & Connection –Networking opportunities
NAWIC & Fishing Similarities & Techniques Professional Education – Dinner Speakers & Seminars Job Site Tours Partnering with other industry associations Community service projects
Know How to Cast Casting – Sometimes you just have to keep throwing your line out before they bite & sometimes you have to change the bait or lure that you are using Prospecting – Keep inviting your prospects to meetings and events as you never know when they might “bite”.
NAWIC Fishing Techniques Set the hook & reel the fish in –Respond to prospects & members –Once you catch the fish, don’t let it get away –Get members involved and active On committees Coming to meetings and regional/national events Participating in activities such as Block Kids, WIC Week, community service projects, scholarship fundraising, etc.
Don’t Get Discouraged Learn to be a better fisherman – teach our members to “fish” –Evaluate every activity –Become a better leader –Mentoring –Developing skills (public speaking) –Don’t be afraid to take risk
Get in the Boat! When you catch a fish you’ve got to “get them in the boat” or to shore. With prospects, we want to get them to join – get them to a meeting or event – and there’s a good chance we can get them in our chapter. Once we get them in our boat, give them more than what they expected. –Surprise & Delight –A Positive Experience –Mentor –Good Programs/Speakers –Leadership Opportunities –Networking –VALUE
How Big is Your Tackle Box? Comes in different shapes & sizes
NAWIC’s tackle box is who we are & what we provide Core Purpose Core Values Strategic Plan Goals Board, Committees (Standing & Special) Professional Opportunities Educational Opportunities Employer Benefits Committee Tools – Membership packets (application, flyers, chapter brochure, business card, etc.) Chapter Display Board
F I S H A F I S H Story Weather we are fishing for: Crappie Bass Catfish Salmon Walleye Shark Tuna We are all B BB BIG FISHES in NAWIC!
Are you ready to catch the BIG one?
National Membership Drive Help Grow Our NAWIC Family Tree
1 st Quarter Challenge MEMBERSHIP RETENTION Encourage our members to renew Top 3 Regions who reach highest retention from October 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 will get a special award at 2013 Regional Forum
2 nd Challenge MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT Goal is 3-fold: 1.You get one (1) leaf for every contact you give your Chapter’s Membership Chair Provide address, name, phone number, etc. Membership Chair will then or mail NAWIC information and/or add them to your chapter’s distribution list to they receive newsletter and meeting notices
2.For each guest you bring to a general meeting you will receive five (5) leaves
3.For recruiting somebody to join NAWIC as a member you will receive 10 leaves.
National & Regional Awards National – Top 5 members with the most leaves will received an award at next year’s National Convention in Bellevue, WA Region 6 Award – For every member you recruit, your name will go into a drawing for an I-Pad to be given away at our 2013 Region 6 Forum – deadline will be the week prior to Forum.