My mom hates to __________ but she often gives me good advice. proclaimed A agile B interfere C awkward D
interfere – verb – to take part in the affairs of others when not asked; meddle
If at First…
Until Julio learned the steps, his dancing was _______. tottered A interfere B awkward C proclaimed D
awkward – adjective – lacking grace in movement or behavior, clumsy or uncomfortable
The principal ______ May 20 as the day for our annual class trips. agile A proclaimed B guardian C awkward D
proclaimed – verb - announced publicly
Bonita is an ______ softball player. awkward A proclaimed B agile C guardian D
agile – adjective – able to move and react quickly and easily
My older brother sometimes acts like he is my _______. tottered A guardian B interfere C awkward D
guardian – noun – a person or thing that guards or watches over
The baby _______ as she first tried to walk. agile A guardian B tottered C interfere D
tottered – verb – walked or moved with unsteady steps; rocked or swayed as if about to fall
Susan Ging Lent Production