Well, that was awkward. By: Kenzie Garrett
Background Information This billboard was created in response to Harold Camping’s prediction of judgment day on May 21, This billboard was created in response to Harold Camping’s prediction of judgment day on May 21, It was put up on May 22 nd, 2011 in Greensboro, North Carolina. It was put up on May 22 nd, 2011 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Harold Camping had also predicted the world ending in the year of Harold Camping had also predicted the world ending in the year of The billboard was a discussion on the website of Reddit.com. Somebody had mentioned the idea of the billboard and had gotten so many comments that the idea of the billboard went live. The billboard was a discussion on the website of Reddit.com. Somebody had mentioned the idea of the billboard and had gotten so many comments that the idea of the billboard went live.
Who is the audience?
Good job! This particular billboard could convey a message to everyone. Mostly the ones who are non believers and also believed in the “Judgment Day” that camping had predicted would be the targeted audience. This particular billboard could convey a message to everyone. Mostly the ones who are non believers and also believed in the “Judgment Day” that camping had predicted would be the targeted audience.
What does this billboard symbolize? What does this billboard symbolize?
You’re right! This billboard symbolizes the religious views of people who are believers of the Bible and how it states that no one will know what day it will be when Jesus comes back. This billboard symbolizes the religious views of people who are believers of the Bible and how it states that no one will know what day it will be when Jesus comes back. It also symbolizes irony of how Camping was so sure about his prediction even though the sun rose the next day. It also symbolizes irony of how Camping was so sure about his prediction even though the sun rose the next day.
How is the text on the billboard relevant?
Very good! The text is relevant because if it was not shown then the billboard would have no message and it would not make sense. The text is relevant because if it was not shown then the billboard would have no message and it would not make sense. The Bible verse is also very important because if it was gone then you would not see the views of where the billboard idea was coming from. The Bible verse is also very important because if it was gone then you would not see the views of where the billboard idea was coming from.
How does this show juxtaposition? In one way the contrast of night and day is being juxtaposed by using the dark and the light colors to show the meaning of the sun rising. In one way the contrast of night and day is being juxtaposed by using the dark and the light colors to show the meaning of the sun rising. Also the sunset is being juxtaposed with the words “That was awkward” also showing that Camping was wrong once again with his prediction. Also the sunset is being juxtaposed with the words “That was awkward” also showing that Camping was wrong once again with his prediction.
What do you notice first? You notice the text that says “that was awkward” because you can tell it is being used in a mocking and humorous way and it makes you wonder what the billboard is about. You notice the text that says “that was awkward” because you can tell it is being used in a mocking and humorous way and it makes you wonder what the billboard is about.
Ethos How does this billboard show ethical appeal? How does this billboard show ethical appeal?
Ethical Appeal The ethical appeal is the religious factor of the Bible with its sources and morals for which it stands for. The ethical appeal is the religious factor of the Bible with its sources and morals for which it stands for.
Logos How does this billboard show logical appeal? How does this billboard show logical appeal?
Logical Appeal According to believers who read and believe in the Bible it is logical that no one knows the day or hour when Jesus is coming back. According to believers who read and believe in the Bible it is logical that no one knows the day or hour when Jesus is coming back.
Pathos How does this billboard show emotional appeal? How does this billboard show emotional appeal?
Emotional Appeal This shows how believers were upset that someone would contradict their beliefs by an incorrect prediction. This shows how believers were upset that someone would contradict their beliefs by an incorrect prediction.
Sources Gustin, Scott. "Fox 8." N.p., 05/23/2011. Web. 12 Oct Gustin, Scott. "Fox 8." N.p., 05/23/2011. Web. 12 Oct Garcia, Elena. "The Christian Post." N.p., 05/24/2011. Web. 12 Oct Garcia, Elena. "The Christian Post." N.p., 05/24/2011. Web. 12 Oct