1 Ergonomics Making the job fit the worker
2 Introduction Ergonomics MSDs Risks Controls Lifting Medical management
3 Section II “Ergonomics”
4 Make the job fit the person
5 Ergonomics looks at: Work station Tools Motions Physical condition Physical limitations Environment
6 Section III MSDs
7 Musculoskeletal disorders = MSDs
8 MSD symptoms Dull, aching sensation Discomfort with movements Tenderness to the touch Burning sensation Pain Tingling Cramping Stiffness
9 Workplace indicators Performance deterioration Quality problems Absenteeism/turnover OSHA Logs and WC Reports Complaints of fatigue and discomfort
10 Common MSDs Tendinitis Tenosynovitis Trigger finger Raynaud’s syndrome De Quervain’s disease Carpal tunnel syndrome
11 Section IV Risk factors
12 Risk factors Repetitive motions Fixed / awkward postures Vibration Inappropriate tools Force Twisting / bending Elevation of elbows
13 Risk factors Continuous contact Restricted clearance Improper seating/support Inadjustable equipment Lifting
14 Identify risk factors Management/employee involvement Audit work stations Audit procedures
15 Section V Controls
16 Engineering controls Preferred method Work station design Tool design Equipment design
17 Work station design Provide adequate: Work space Work height Support Storage space Machine controls
18 Work station design Reduce static loading Raise / lower working height Remove hard / sharp edges Provide mechanical advantage Insulate heat / cold
19 Work station design Provide seating / support Improve material orientation Improve layout
20 Tool selection should minimize: Awkward, bent grip Vibration Excessive grip strength Awkward positions to exert force Repetitive motions
21 Administrative controls Job rotation Shift length Overtime management Rest breaks Production rates
22 Work practice controls Use proper techniques Streamline Job training Exercise / conditioning
23 Section VI Lifting
24 Back disorders Sprains Strains Ruptured / slipped disks Muscle spasms
25 Back pain factors Improper posture Poor physical condition Repeated injury Improper lifting
26 Proper lifting Check load Bend knees Do not twist Clear path Lower slowly Push carts/dollies
27 Section VII Medical management
28 Medical management Early reporting & treatment Symptoms survey Medical treatment Recordkeeping
29 Section VIII Conclusion
30 Benefits of Ergonomics Decreased risk of injury Increased productivity Increased quality and efficiency Decrease lost work days/turnover; and Improve morale
31 Summary Ergonomics MSDs Risk factors Controls Proper lifting Medical management
32 Questions?