1.Identifying Hazards 2. Assess the Risks 3. Control the risks
Identifying Hazards Looking at your service. How is the work done? Is it safe? Is there awkward lifting required? Is equipment appropriately handled? Do some work practices cause injury or sickness? Are workers properly trained? Is maintenance adequate?
Talk to other Staff and users Include Occupational Health and Safety Issues in your regular meetings. Make them an agenda item so that it is not overlooked.
Fill out an OHS checklist for hazard identification A checklist will help you to remember all the most likely hazards. The checklist should cover indoor and outdoor areas for the following : Manual handling, infection control, chemical hazards, electrical safety, slipping /tripping hazards, ergonomics, emergency procedures, first Aid and obstructions to walkways.
Read through records to check for Hazards that have been reported All accidents should be recorded by law. An accident/illness book may help to prevent further accidents if the information is monitored regularly. Is there unfortunately a pattern of injuries? This will help to identify problem tasks or situations. All incident records should be kept in the one place for efficiency.
Access information available Unions, safety authorities, and support agencies are available to assist with the resolution of any issues.
ASSESS THE RISKS What is the outcome likely to be? How likely is it? How dangerous is the risk?
Likelihood↓Consequences→ Insignificant problem MinorMediumMajorcatastrophic Nearly a certainty 90% chance Hazard fixed immediately & easily Some small adjustment required Time and resources required to fix are disruptive Workplace is significantly affected Workplace closure required- may not recover Very likely 50-90% chance High Extreme Moderately likely 10-50% chance MediumHigh Extreme Not very likely 3-10% Low MediumHighExtreme Rare < 3% chance Low MediumHigh Risk Assessment Table
Hierarchy of Control