H-Y-P-H-E-N-S By: Nadine Rice
What is a hyphen? / Definition: The hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark used to join words or to separate syllables of a single word. / Definition: The hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark used to join words or to separate syllables of a single word. (*Not to be confused with a dash, which is usually used for the replacement of a comma or semicolon in a sentence.)
When to use a hyphen: 1.) Use a hyphen to join two (2) or more words serving as a single adjective BEFORE a noun. Example: well-balanced diet ice-cream sandwich *However, when the compound modifiers come AFTER a noun, they are not hyphenated. 2.) Use a hyphen with compound numbers. Example: twenty-two 3.) Use a hyphen to avoid confusion or an awkward combination of letters (too many vowels) Example: re-evaluate, semi-involved 4.) Use a hyphen with the prefixes ex-, self-, all- Example: ex-boyfriend, self- motivated, all-inclusive *with the suffix -elect Example: president-elect *between a prefix and a capitalized word Example: T-shirt *and with figures & letters combinations Example: mid-1850s
(more rules for using hyphens) 5.) If necessary, use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line, & make the break only between syllables. Example: laugh-ing (not:lau-ghing) 6.) In line breaks, divide already-hyphenated words ONLY at the hyphen that already exists. Example: anti- war (not: an- ti-war) 7.) For line breaks in words ending in -ing (if a single final consonant in the root word is doubled before the suffix), hyphenate between the consonants; otherwise hyphenate at the suffix. Example: run-ning 8.) Never put the first or last letter of a word at the end or beginning of a line, & do not put two- letter suffixes at the beginning of a new line Example: greatly (Do not separate the -ly from the root word great.)
Main Points: Hyphens are used to join words Hyphens help to avoid confusion when we add prefixes and suffixes Hyphens divide words cleanly at the end of a line
You try! Directions: Correct the following sentences by adding hyphens where needed, and/or circling unnecessary added hyphens. 1. Driving on a one way street can be confusing. 2. America recently celebrated it’s two hundred-thirty sixth year of freedom. 3. Her project had a shell like cover to protect it from being ruined. 4. If she doesn’t stop being so selfinvolved, her current boyfriend will soon become her exboyfriend.
Hyphenation! In the following, write either “correct” if the hyphens are in the correct places. If they are not, correct the mistakes. 1. re-mem-ber ___________________ 2. swimm-ing ___________________ 3. five-hundred-sixty two ___________________ 4. Vice president ___________________ 5. re-elect ___________________
Line B R E A K S Directions: Hyphenate the list of words as if you had come to the end of a line while writing (typing) a paper. Example: holiday holi- day *assignment *definition *engaging *atonement *November *understandable *yellow *catching
ANSWERS… You try! 1. one-way 2. two hundred thirty-sixth 3. shell-like 4. self-involved; ex-boyfriend Hyphenation 1. re-mem-ber (correct) 2. swim-ming 3. five hundred sixty-two 4. Vice-president 5. re-elect (correct) Line Breaks 1. assign- ment 5. Novem- ber 2. defini- tion 6. understand-able 3. engag- ing 7. yel- low 4. atone- ment 8. catch- ing