Predators are animals that kill and eat other animals. What kinds of fish are predators – goldfish or sharks?


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Presentation transcript:

Predators are animals that kill and eat other animals. What kinds of fish are predators – goldfish or sharks?

Traits are particular qualities or characteristics of a person or thing. A certain eye color is a trait. Which members of your family do you share that trait with?

If something lures you, it makes you want to go to it, even though it is dangerous or could get you in trouble. How would you lure a mouse into a trap?

If you avoid a person or thing, you keep away from them. What is something you could do to avoid a mean looking dog?

If you mimic a person or thing, you try to act or look exactly like that person or thing. How might you mimic the way a cat behaves?

If something is obvious, it is so easily seen or understood that no one has to explain it. What makes it obvious that it’s raining outside?

If one person or thing resembles another, the two look similar to each other. Does a dog resemble a wolf? Explain.

A deceptive person or thing tries to make you believe something that is not true. Would you trust a deceptive person? Why or why not?