Gulliver’s Travels Test Review
Character matching Portuguese sea captain Captain Pedro de Mendez
odious beasts who resemble humans Yahoos
group of immortals struldbrugs
Gulliver’s guide in Lagado Lord Munodi
secretary of treasury in Lilliput Flimnap
Glumdalclitch’s name for Gulliver Grildrig
admiral of the realm of Lilliput Skyresh Bolgolam
Gulliver’s nurse in Brobdingnag Glumdalclitch Glumdalclitch
secretary of private affairs in Lilliput Reldresal
narrator of Gulliver’s Travels Lemuel Gulliver
True or False The argument between the Big-Endians and the Little-Endians represents a quarrel between the Catholics and the Protestants of Swift’s day. True
Gulliver enjoys living with the Houyhnhnms and doesn’t want to leave their country. True
In A Voyage to Lilliput, the author satirizes the governments of France and England. true
Gulliver is delighted to take the tour of the cities of Brobdingnag with his master, the farmer, as his performances in these cities make him rich. false
Lilliputians consider fraud more serious than theft. True
Obedience to the law in Lilliput is encouraged by reward and punishment. True
The object that the Lilliputians suppose is Gulliver’s god is his hat. False
The woman of Laputa are symbols of loyal wives. true
The Laputians are continually worried that the world will be destroyed. True
The Laputians are very awkward and clumsy in the common affairs of life. True
The people of Laputa are excellent conversationalists. False
The King of Brobdingnag has great respect and sympathy for Europeans after he learns about them from Gulliver. False
There is constant civil strife among the Brobdingnagians. False
The Brobdingnagians are bookish people, indulging in much abstract learning. False
At the end of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver tells that what he hates most about humans is their unreasonable pride. True
The grand maxim among the Houyhnhnms is to cultivate reason and live according to its dictates. True
The Lilliputians are about sixty feet tall. False
The Yahoos are used, in the land of Houyhnhnms, as teachers of the young colts. False
On the island of Glubbdubdrib, Gulliver is able to interview any historical person he wants. True
The Yahoos are a vicious caricature of the human race. True
Multiple Choice The author’s treatment of his theme and subject is (a) sober and direct; (b) lighthearted and humorous; (c) absurd and ridiculous. A
As a test for high office in Lilliput, candidates demonstrate their ability by (a) doing a dance on a tight rope; (b) jumping through a flaming loop; (c) competing in oratorical contests. a
Lemuel Gulliver is a (a) ship’s doctor; (b) merchant; (c) common sailor. a
In discussing methods of choosing public officials in the original institutions of Lilliput, Swift is trying to impress the reader with the fact that (a) intellect is more important than morals in carrying out public duties; (b) an ignorant person is more dangerous than a corrupt, brilliant person; (c) morals are more important than great abilities in carrying out public duties. c
Gulliver repeatedly goes to sea to (a) escape his nagging wife; (b) improve his fortunes; (c) explore for the Queen. b
When the Lilliputian emperor wants to reduce Blefuscu to a province of Lilliput, Gulliver (a) is delighted with this plan; (b) refuses to be a party to such a plan; (c) draws up plans for ruling the new territory. b
The struldbrugs are (a) Brobdingnagians who live forever; (b) Luggnaggians who never die; (c) a race of giants. b
Gulliver is marooned on Lilliput because of (a) pirates; (b) a mutiny; (c) a shipwreck. c
The emperor of Lilliput confers upon Gulliver the highest title of honor because Gulliver (a) saves the royal palace from destruction by fire; (b) captures the navy of Blefuscu; (c) settles the controversy between the Big-Endians and Little-Endians. b
The Assembly of Houyhnhnms decides to banish Gulliver from their land because he (a) has formed too many emotional attachments with female Yahoos; (b) may make use of the Yahoos against them; (c) refuses to help them exterminate the Yahoos. b
Which of the following is NOT a part of the terms for Gulliver’s freedom in Lilliput? (a) He must not depart without permission; (b) His walks must be confined to the principal roads in the city; (c) He may never return to England. c
When Gulliver is banished from the land of the Houyhnhnms, his intentions are to (a) return to his family and work in England as soon as possible; (b) return to the land of the admirable Brobdingnagians; (c) find some uninhabited island to spend the rest of his life. c
The emperor’s court at Lilliput decides that for alleged treason Gulliver’s punishment will be (a) being buried alive; (b) banishment from Lilliput; (c) being blinded. c
When Gulliver tells the Brobdingnagian king about English political life, the king (a) is impressed with English government and morality; (b) sends one of his greatest scholars to study the English form of government; (c) thinks it contemptible that such little creatures are capable of such great conflicts between them. c
When Gulliver returns home, after his fourth voyage, he spends most of his time with his (a) horses; (b) children; (c) minister. a
Through the scientists of Laputa and Balnibarbi, Swift is attacking the (a) tremendous expense involved in scientific experiments; (b) complete reliance of intellect to solve all human problems; (c) substitution of science for liberal arts in schools. b
An unusual requirement of Christian visitors in Japan is to (a) attend the Japanese church at least once a day; (b) pledge allegiance to the Japanese king; (c) trample on the Christian cross. c
The principal lesson that Swift teaches in Gulliver’s Travels is (a) humans are hopelessly bad, like the Yahoo; (b) the only good life is a life of absolute reason, like the Houyhnhnms; (c) humans, imperfect creatures, can nevertheless lead a good life if they recognize their own limitations and overcome their pride. c
The Yahoos live in (a) Lilliput; (b) Brobdingnag; (c) the country of the Houyhnhnms. c
Gulliver is away on his voyages for the greater part of (a) five years; (b) eleven years; (c) seventeen years. c