Daphne’s Book By: Gabi Mone’t Ashley Morgan
Mary Downing Hahn Born on December 9,1937 in Washington D.C. Grew up in An award winning American author of young adult novels. College park, Maryland. Loves reading and drawing but hated writing Tells stories through pictures
Why this was written ? Writes closely detailed stories that explore family issues, such as loss of a parent or loved one, the struggle for identity and acceptance, and the blending of families. Many of her novels are set in Maryland where she grew up and where she still is. She mixes her story’s with her compassionate humor with insightful characters.
The interesting part This book has two characters who come together closer, and closer Each minute when they move farther away when there trust and love is gone.
Setting Takes place in Maryland.
Characters Daphne Jessica Josh Tracey Michelle Sherry Ed Hope Mrs. Woodleigh Mr. O'Brian Mom talented; raggedy Educated; Nerdy Obnoxious; sporty Considerate; teenage Inconsiderate; superstar bootlicker; average Thoughtful; high class Adventurous; thin crazy; senior Stubborn; teacher Good hearted; librarian assistant
Plot Exposition: Setting: Maryland Characters: Daphne, Hope, Jessica, Josh, Ed, Mom, Tracey, Sherry and Michelle, Mr. O’Brian, Mrs. Woodleigh. Rising Action: Jessica get paired up with the girl, Daphne. Who nobody likes, for the write a book contest. Daphne goes to Jessica's house to work on the book for the contest and along the way become friends. Climax: Daphne and Hope don’t know how to handle there grandmother, Mrs. Woodleigh. They need help and don’t know what to do. Falling action: When Daphne explains to Jessica their situations she is torn between telling her mom and keeping her friends secret. Resolution ; Daphne and Hope are put in a adoption home where their grandmother is put in an nursing home where she dies. Jessica and her mom tries to visit Daphne where they can clear some stuff up. Daphne and Hope are adopted by their uncle and aunt where they would have a wonderful life.
Flashback/Foreshadow Flashback: When the character, Jessica says “my grandfather and I use to spend all day working on this doll house and right before he died we finished it.” When the character Daphne says “ Grandmother and I use to bring Hope here every summer.” Foreshadow: When the character Jessica said “ I guess by the time I am done with the write a book contest I wont have any friends left. “ When the character Daphne said “ grandmother is going to be better in the spring time “
Figurative Language Onomatopoeia: When the text says “Doodle-dee-doot-de-do.” Personification: When the text says “The trees were watching me as if I was trespassing”. Simile: When the text says “I almost looked exactly like Daphne for a second.” Metaphor: When the text says “He is a dog.
Making Connections T-T-S~ When the text says “she’s the one everyone thinks is so pretty. When really she just looks like everyone else.” This reminds me of some stuck up girls in my school who everyone might believe is so pretty when really they all look alike. T-T-W~ When the text says “the food they eat is so disgusting, making me feel like I am in Africa with nothing to eat.” This reminds me of when I see Africa on the news with them not having anything to eat and starving to death. T-T-T~ When the text said “Tracey is becoming closer and closer with Michelle and Sherry.” This reminds me of a story that I had read when I was in the 6 th grade and the girl was upset that her best friend was becoming closer and closer with the girls that use to be mean to them.
Point of View This story is told in first person point of view. If this was told in third person omniscient. We would have witnessed how Hope and Daphne really felt.
Compare/contrast <3 Same: School Girls Goal Daphne: quiet Poor weird Unliked Jessica: wealthy Normal Popular shallow
Because of that this happened Daphne’s grandmother Mrs. Woodleigh is crazy and sick. So therefore Daphne and Hope must be removed from there home and be put in a shelter, while their grandmother is in a nursing home.
Our Twins Gabi: I think that I most resemble the character Jessica because Jessica is very shallow. I also think I resemble her most because she is like nerdy, but social as well and I really think that she acts like me Ashley: I think that I most resemble the character Daphne because I am very quiet and not very loud. I also think that I most resemble the character Daphne because I am a person that when I first came to this school I was very quiet and I was scared because it was very different for me.
Vocabulary Ignoring: Not listening to someone when spoken to. Apologetically : Containing an apology or excuse for a fault Drifting : Moving away Fluttered : To bow away / shake Comfortable : Being in a state of physical or mental comfort
Book Recommendation Gabi: I would recommend this book to those who do not enjoy books that are action-packed. This book is very peaceful and not very exciting. To be honest this story put me to sleep through most of it and when Mr. Wright told me to stop reading I was excited Ashley I would recommend this book to a group of 5 th graders. I actually liked this book a little bit. I say this because it had no excitement to it so I would agree would my partner and friend Gabi.
Any Other books ? All the lovely bad ones. Anna all year round Anna on the farm Appointment with the a stranger (2008) (1999) (2001) ( )
Other books As ever Gordy Closed for the season *Daphne’s Book* The dead man in Indians creek (1998) (2008) (2000) (1983)
Other books December stillness Deep and dark and dangerous The doll and the garden Follow my mother to the garden where she killed me Followed my mystery man that killed me in the dark alley (1990) (1988) (2007) (1989) (1996)
PARTICIPATING IN OUR GAME Partner Trivia Ange & Shemar Stephanie & Oksana Gabrielle & Deamonte’
RULES Partners will be asked questions one group at a time. Each partner will have to answer a question about the other. Partners will be faced back to back so that there will be no cheating. If a person in a group gets any of the partner questions incorrect they will be able to redeem themselves by answering a question about our slide, but it will only be worth half the points that the partner questions are worth. Each Partner question will be worth only 6pts. While the slide show questions are only 3pts.
Questions that will be asked 1.What is your partners favorite food? 2.Where does your partner like to hang out? 3.What is their favorite movie? 4.What is their favorite color? 5.Who is their favorite singer? What is their favorite activity? If they could anyone in the world, who would it be?
THANK YOU’S I don’t know about Ashley, but I am grateful for those who have paid any attention to out power point. Thanks again -Gabi Mone’t (Mrs.Neverson) I don’t know about Gabi, but I really liked our presentation. I am also very thankful for those who paid attention. -Ashley B. Morgan