The Office of the Dean of Students December 20, 2003 Projects: Interactive Campus Map (ICM) Adjustable Book Shelf (ABS) Global Positioning System Device for the Visually Impaired (GPS-DVI)
ICM Objective: To help students with physical disabilities locate the best accessible path between campus locations by drawing a map Team members Jeff Turkstra Abdul Zahid Avirul Sharma Vishnu Jaju
Semester Goals Obtain and configure Kiosk Expand coverage area Plan improvements Better map image(s) Turn-by-turn directions Actual distance calculations Voice recognition and synthesis Begin work on prototype GPS-DVI interface
How does ICM work? User gives start/end information on website Calculate shortest path Draw map Encode Image Display
Web-Interface Facilitates channeling of the user input data to the best path implementation routine Simple and easy to use Easy to maintain for future semesters Accessible via home computers, not just kiosk
Nodes on the Map
Node Database Database example For GPS coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) NodeNameGPS CoordinatesTYPENeighbors 1PHYS6.285, 1.225Door2,4,9,10 2MSEE(NW)6.654, 3.256Door1,7,9,14 3MSEE(SE)6.542, Door4,5,6 4INT16.021, 3.021Intersection1,3,6
Cool live demo!
This Semester Resolved compilation errors with core source code (many simply related to updated g++ version) Kiosk is ready Larger, more detailed map integration is almost entirely complete Turn-by-turn instructions have been added, without distance calculations Coverage area has been significantly expanded over last semester
Current Coverage Area Engineering Mall (from last semester) Area surrounding (and including) BRNG, MATH, and CL50 Clock tower area (SC, CS, PSY) “Chemistry” area (WTHR, BRWN, GRIS, HEAV, etc)
Prototype Ideas Work has been done on planning methods to interface with GPS-DVI Theoretical design for mysql driven PHP interface permitting the “posting” of current GPS coordinates and destination coordinates to the server, which would in turn generate and send back a map with text based turn-by-turn directions
What’s Left? Dynamic map cropping/resizing (current map is incredibly large) Improve path drawing algorithm on map Distance calculations with turn-by-turn directions Install Kiosk Project should theoretically be completed next semester
Adjustable Book Shelf Team Members : Sandeep Nandy (Project Leader) Ankit Dhawan Vineet Alva Shohei Shibata Rayelle Duncan Aman Sewani
Agenda Timeline Design Parameters Concept #1: Turn Shelf Concept Concept #2: Slide Down Concept Modification of Slide Down Future Plans
Design Parameters Cost less than $500 Requires very little muscle force by user Hold at least 8 – 10 books Makes use of current dorm shelving unit All books are attainable from a seated position
Turn Shelf 3-D view
Turn Shelf Book Capacity determined (12 books 2” thick) Max weight it will experience ~50 lbs The concept was not used for practicality reasons: It only lowers the top shelf by 8”, not worth the complicated mechanisms
Slide Down Bookshelf Design An adjustable bookshelf that fits inside the existing shelf. Slides down at an angle onto the desk. It will contain about 120lbs of books when fully packed.
Slide Down Design Improvements
Garage Door Concept Dimensions are based on the Tarkington and Wiley bookshelves Shelf will be lowered in the same manner as a garage door using a small garage door motor. Inside shell resemble “open” position of garage door. Down on desk to resemble “Closed” position of garage.
Future Plans Exact procedure and mechanisms for raising and lowering bookshelf Safety Measures Research possibility of incorporating design to be compatible to all of the dorms on campus Survey University Residences for their input
GPS-DVI Global Positioning System - Device for the Visually Impaired Ryan Hicks Chan Park Howard Lityo Jason Lim Sivanit Ratanadi Ali Shareef Guneet Chadah Epics Team Mobility Team -- Advisor – Prof. Lehnert
Overview ► Introduction ► Project Tasks ► Project Planning ► Conclusion
Introduction ► Objective : To design and implement a portable device that will enable students who are visually impaired to navigate around campus with the use of the global positioning system. ► Solution : Program – “Campus-NAV” Integrates GPS receiver and PDA to help user navigate around campus. Integrates GPS receiver and PDA to help user navigate around campus.
Project Tasks ► Defined sub-groups for each task GPS-DVI Search algorithm Shareef, Jason Device driver Howard, Guneet & Ryan GUI Pete & Chan Voice Output Guneet,Pete & Chan
Project Tasks ► Device Driver Receive GPS-Coordinates (NMEA-Sentence) ► Microsoft Embedded Visual Tools 3.0 Testing GUI Open/Close/Read Port Display NMEA-Sentence --Time, Longitude, Latitude, Velocity, GPS-Status etc. ► Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Pocket PC hp jornada GPS-DVI System GUI Enter Power Reset
Project Tasks ► Voice Output Verbal response to user’s input ► Text Aloud Software Creates MP3 file from text input ► Search Algorithm Finds shortest path from source node to destination node ► Dijkstra’s Algorithm Campus Map Campus Database Adjacency Matrix
Campus Database ► Node x y NumAdjNode AdjNodes Comment ► Origin ► MSEE ► Physics ► EE ► ME ► EET ► Potr ► CE ► CIVIL ► Scheleman ► BuildX ► Hovd ► SS ► ENAD ► Pshsy ► SC ► Elliot ► Int ► Int ► Int ► Int ► The GUI displays shortest path from source to destination.
Adjacency Matrix
Project Planning ► Convert Campus Database XY coordinates to GPS Coordinates ► Integrate GPS receiver with algorithm so that the GPS receiver guides user across campus and provides voice output updates: “Turn Right” “Turn Left” “Turn Left” Expected Due Date ► End of Spring 2004
Conclusion ► Increase Technical Knowledge Object Oriented Programming (C++) Compact Flash GPS-Receivers ► National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) Standards ► Work on a multi-disciplinary Team Different majors, Mobility Team ► Increase Communication Skills Presentations Epics & Mobility TA, Previous Team Members, Companies ► Work on a Poorly Documented Project Gather information
Thank You!