Elements of Dance Elements of Dance: The basic parts of dance: space, time and force Space: the area covered by the dance movements (this includes shape, level, directions and pathways.) Directions: forward, backward, sideways, up, down, etc. Level: the distance from the floor (high, medium, low) Pathways: patterns that the body makes as it moves through space or on the floor (diagonal,zigzag,circle,etc) Shape: the design of the body as it exists in space Time: how fast or slow (tempo); even or uneven (beat) and long or short (duration) the movement is Force: The use of energy while moving
SHAPES How can these geometrical shapes be related to dance? SquareCircle Oval Triangle (Isosceles) Rectangle Triangle (Equilateral)
LINES What types of lines are shown above? What dance positions do these lines most resemble? Intersecting Parallel First Position- Ballet First Position- Jazz Third Position Fifth Position Fourth Position Parallel Second Position Parallel
ANGLES What are the degrees for each of the angles? What steps do these angles most resemble? Obtuse Acute Right Angle Over 90 Under 90 90
PIE CHARTS How can we use pie charts in dance? Music Notes Whole Notes Half Notes Quarter Notes Eighth Notes Sixteenth Notes Dance Counts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8
What is the percentage of each slice? How do we figure out how to divide the pie charts accordingly?
PROJECT # 2 Name Choreography On a 5 x 8 Index card: Must include: Name Period Choreography Name Pie Chart Divide Inner Circle: Name Middle Circle: Counts Outer Circle: Steps/Choreography Name: Natalie Vega Period: 1 Choreography Name: Vega VA Step, Kick Step, Prep Channe Barrel
Class Example Name Period Choreography Name n a a t e l i & 7 8