Cloud Classification system Use the arrow right to move the slide to the next page. Use the arrow to the left to move the side to the previous page.
A. Low Level Cloud: C. Features: (1)Grayish Clouds (2)Fragmented and thin or can also form as a layer or sheet (3)Resemble fog (4)No precipitation but may drizzle
D. Low Level Cloud: F. Features: (1)Puffy like cotton (2)Cauliflower Appearance (3)Bright tops and dark base in color
G. Low Level Cloud: I. Features: (1)Dark gray- continuously falling rain or snow (2)Light gray or white- continuous rain or showers
Low level clouds: Stratus, Cumulus, and Nimbostratus Stratus – layer (like a blanket) Cumulus- heap, pile (like a puffy cottonball) NIMBOstratus- rain, precipitation
J. Cloud: K. Features: (1)Dark base (2)Associated with lightning, thunder, and violent tornadoes (3)Congested clouds that grow vertically (4)Range from 1,000 feet to 39,000 feet
L. Middle Level Cloud: O. Features: (1)Gray, puffy masses (2)Align in rows (3)May be unstable and have thunderstorms by late afternoon
P. Middle Level Cloud: S. Features: (1)Gray or bluish-gray (2)Flat smooth dark sheet (3)Cover the entire sky (4)An incoming storm is approaching
Middle Level Clouds: Altocumulus, Altostratus ALTO- middle CUMULUS- heap ALTO- middle STRATUS- layer
T. High Level Cloud: V. Feature: (1)Brilliant white (2)Wispy, feathery that is composed of ice crystals (3)Fair to pleasant weather with light winds
W. High Level Cloud: Z. Features: (1)Brilliant white (2)thin, sheet-like high clouds cover the entire sky (3)More widespread than Cirrus clouds (4)Can develop on days with light winds but increasing in strength
AA. High Level Cloud: DD. Features: (1)small, rounded white puffs (2)Brilliant white (3)Lined up as rows of clouds (4)No precipitation associated with fine weather
High Level Clouds: Cirrus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus Cirrus- curl of hair Cirro- high level Stratus- layer Cumulus- heap
key A. stratus D. cumulus G. nimbostratus J. cumulonimbus L. altocumulus P. altostratus T. cirrus W. cirrostratus AA. cirrocumulus