1. Stranger On the Shore, Mr. Acker Bilk 2. I Can't Stop Loving You, Ray Charles 3. Mashed Potato Time, Dee Dee Sharp 4. Roses Are Red (My Love), Bobby Vinton 5. The Stripper, David Rose 6. Johnny Angel (Single Version), Shelley Fabares 7. The Loco-Motion, Little Eva 8. Let Me In, Sensations 9. The Twist, Chubby Checker 10. Soldier Boy, Shirelles 11. Hey Baby, Bruce ChannelStranger On the ShoreI Can't Stop Loving YouMashed Potato TimeRoses Are Red (My Love)The StripperJohnny Angel (Single Version)The Loco-MotionThe TwistSoldier BoyHey Baby Top 10 songs of this Season This is the way my Grand Ma makes... MASHED POTATOES First she gets a pot that's this big, (Both arms make pot); Pulls off the lid (Take off lid with CLANG sound); And takes it to the sink like this (Keep arms in pot shape; Count and move to sink: "1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3)." Turns on the faucet (Turn it on sound and movement) Fills that pot to the tippy top... (make filling noise and raise level arm to resemble water level). Then she takes that pot over to the stove. It's kinda spilly don't you know, don't ya know.. (Keep arms in pot shape; Count with grunting sound and move as if water is about to spill "1,2,3. 1,2,3)." Turns on the stove, (Click); Put on the lid, (CLANG) And waits for the water to boil. It goes... (Bu bubu Bu bubu Bu Bu BUH. Bu bubu Bu bubu Bu Bu BUH).