Case 3 울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 병리과 김선아 2010 년 10 월 가을학술대회 신경병리 연구회
Clinical history 65/M Personality change, headache, gait disturbance for one month Admitted for seizure with loss of consciousness
Summary of histology Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic Suspicious astrocytoma component Dysplastic ganglion cells
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma Ganlgioglioma Synaptophysin
Ganlgioglioma Synaptophysin Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma
Ganlgioglioma Neu N Adjacent normal brain
Ki-67 Anaplastic oligoastrocytomaGanlgioglioma
Analplastic oligoastrocytoma Ganlgioglioma GFAP
1p19q deletion - Chromosome 1p/19q is stable: 1p (0/2) & 19q (0/2) D1S508 D19S412 D1S186 D1S2734 D19S No No No N/A No The LOH patterns were identical between oligoastrocytoma component and ganglioglioma component
Oral mucosa Ganglioglioma Anaplastic oligoastro- cytoma Oral mucosa Ganglioglioma Anaplastic oligoastro- cytoma
What do we call this tumor? Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma with ganglioglioma-like maturation Ganglioglioma with anaplastic oligoastrocytic component Composite tumor of anaplastic oligoastocytoma and ganglioglioma
Oligodendroglioma with neurocytic differentiation Oligodendroglioma may contain neoplastic cells that express synaptophysin and/or neurofilatments (Vajtai et al. Oligodendroglioma with neurocytic differentiation and characteristic loss of heterozygosity on chromosomes 1p and 19q, Acta Neuropathol (2005) 110: 520–522) Neurocytic differentiation has also been demonstrated by ultrastructural level (Vyberg et al. Neuronal features of oligodendrogliomas—an ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study, Histopathology 2007, 50, 887–896) The neuronal phenotype is usually not evident by routine histology alone
Anaplastic ganglioglioma Glioal component of ganglioglioma may resemble fibrillary astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma or pilocytic astrocytoma Malignant change almost invariably involves the glial component
CaseAge/sexSiteWHO grade O-GG interface 144/MRt frontalIIISharp 258/MLt temporalIIISharp 340/MRt frontotemporalIIISharp and diffuse 429/FLt frontalIIIDiffuse 555/MRt frontalIISharp 663/FLt frontalIIIDiffuse 742/MRt frontalIIISharp and diffuse
Synaptophysin Neurofilament
Differences from ganglioglioma No eosinophilic granular body No CD34-positive cells Less prominent perivascular lymphocytic infiltration Older age (median 44y) No history of chronic seizure disorder Neuroimaging : characteristic findings of diffuse gliomas in three cases (infiltrative growth, significant mass effect, involvement of corpus callosum)
Deletion of 1p and/or 19q 80~90% of oligodendroglioma Less frequently in anaplastic oligodendroglioma 30~40% of oligoastrocytoma