Herbs that transform Phlegm and stop Coughing Chuan Bei Mu, Zhe Bei Mu Gua Lou Pi, Gua Lou Ren Qian Hu, Zhu Ru, Hai Zao Meng Shi, Tian Zhu Huang, Zhu Li, Ge Qiao, Pang Da Hai
Chuan Bei Mu 川贝母
Pharmaceutical NameFritillariae cirrhosae bulbus Actions Clears heat & transforms phlegm Clears heat & dissipates nodules Indications ( Excess & def. ) Cough (chiefly chronic cough) Cough with sputum Lung or breast abscess Dosage3 – 9 g Cook Toxic sym. Chuan Bei Mu 川贝母 (slightly cold)
ContraindicationsCold phlegm or damp-phlegm Combinations IndicationsFormular Xing Ren 杏仁 Cough & wheezing Pi Pa Ye 枇杷叶 Mai Men Dong 麦门冬 Yu Zhu 玉竹 Chronic cough Yuan Zhi 远志 Fu Ling 茯苓 Gua Lou 瓜蒌 Painful obstruction of the chest Zhe Bei Mu 浙贝母 Scrofula & abscess Chuan Bei Mu 川贝母 (slightly cold)
Zhe Bei Mu 浙贝母
Pharmaceutical NameFritillariae cirrhosae bulbus Actions Clears & transforms phlegm-heat Clears heat & dissipates nodules Indications ( Excess ) Cough expecially of an acute nature Lung & breast abscess & swellings Dosage4.5 – 9 g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted Zhe Bei Mu 浙贝母 (cold)
ContraindicationsCold phlegm or cold-dampness Combinations IndicationsFormular Lian Qiao 连翘 Niu Pang Zi 牛蒡子 Acute cough Xuan Shen 玄参 Mu li 牡蛎 Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草 ScrofulaXiao Luo Wan Hai Zao 海藻 Kun Bu 昆布 Zhi Ban Xiao 制半夏 Rock-like masses in the center of the neck Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang 海藻玉壶汤 Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草 E Zhu 莪术 Thyroid nodules Jin Yin Hua 金银花 Pu Gong Ying 蒲公英 Ju Hua 菊花 abscess Zhe Bei Mu 浙贝母 (cold)
Gua Lou Ren 瓜篓仁
Pharmaceutical NameTrichosanthis Semen Actions Clears & transforms phlegm Expends chest Moistens the intestines Promotes healing of sores Indications ( Excess ) Cough ( with chest pain ) Stifling chest Constipation Breast abscess Dosage9 – 15 g Cook Toxic Sym. Gua Lou Ren 瓜篓仁 (cold)
ContraindicationsSpleen def. Combinations IndicationsFormular Ban Xia 半夏 Huang Lian 黄连 Cough with sputem Zhi Ban Xia 制半夏 Xie Bai 薤百 Chest pain Huo Ma Ren 火麻仁 Yu Li Ren 郁李仁 Zhi Ke 枳壳 Constipation Dang Gui 当归 Bo Zi Ren 柏子仁 Xin Ren 杏仁 Dry stools Zao Jiao Ci 皂角刺 Jin Yin Hua 金银花 Abscess Gua Lou Ren 瓜篓仁 (cold)
Gua Lou Pi 瓜蒌皮
Pharmaceutical NameTrichosanthis pericarpium Actions Clears the lung heat & transforms phlegm Regulates the qi & expands the chest Indications (Excess) Phlegm heat in the chest Chest painful obstruction abscess Dosage6 - 12g Cook Toxic Sym. Gua Lou Pi 瓜蒌皮 (cool)
ContraindicationsYang def. or cold Combinations IndicationsFormular Bei Mu 贝母 Xing Ren 杏仁 Phlegm heat cough Tian Hua Fen 天花粉 Cough due to Lung Yin def. Pu Gong Ying 蒲公英 abscess Gua Lou Pi 瓜蒌皮 (cold)
Qian Hu 前胡
Pharmaceutical NameTaxilli Herba Actions Directs Qi downward & dispels phlegm Disperse & scatters wind-heat Indications (Excess ) Cough with sputum Wind-heat disease Dosage3-9g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted Qian Hu 前胡 ( slightly cold) ( slightly cold)
ContraindicationsCough due to yin def. or cold disease IndicationsFormular Sang Bai Pi 桑白皮 Bei Mu 贝母 Xing Ren 杏仁 Cough ( thick yellow sputum) Chai Hu 柴胡 Cough with liver Qi Stag. Jie Geng 桔梗 Niu Pang Zi 牛蒡子 Bo He 薄荷 Wind –heat disease Qian Hu 前胡 ( cold )
Zhu Ru 竹茹
Pharmaceutical NameBambusae Caulis in taeniam Actions Clears & transforms phlegm-heat Clears heat & stops vomiting Indications (Excess ) Cough due to lung heat Vomiting Dosage g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted with the normal dosage range Zhu Ru 竹茹 ( slightly cold)
Contraindications Combinations IndicationsFormular Gua Lou 瓜蒌 Huang qin 黄芩 Cough due to heat in the lung Gua Lou 瓜蒌 Huang Lian 黄连 Cough due to heat in the st. Zhi Shi 枳实 Ban Xia 半夏 GB. HeatWen Dan Tang Huang Lian 黄连 Chen Pi 陈皮 vomiting Zhu Ru 竹茹 ( slightly cold)
Hai Zao 海藻
Pharmaceutical Namesargassum Actions Reduces phlegm & softens areas of hardness Promotes urination & reduce edema Indications (Excess) Neck nodules Edema Dosage6 -15 g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted Hai Zao 海藻 (cold )
Contraindications Combinations IndicationsFormular Kun Bu 昆布 Zhe Bei Mu 浙贝母 Chen Pi 陈皮 The Jade Flask Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草 Lian Qiao 连翘 Xuan Shen 玄参 Scrofula Zhu Ling 猪苓 Ze Xie 泽泻 Che Qian Zi 车前子 Edema with urinary difficult Hai Zao 海藻 (cold )
Pharmaceutical NameChloriti Lapis Actions Directs Qi downward & reduce phlegm Calms the liver & suppresses jitteriness & convulsions Indications (Excess) Chronic sheezing & cough Severe palpitations Dosage9 -15g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted Meng Shi 礞石 (Neutral)
Pharmaceutical NameBambusae Concretio silicea Actions Clears and transforms phlegm-heat Clears the heart & settles tremors & convulsions Indications (Excess) Cough, difficult-to-expectorate sputum Chest pain Childhood convulsions Dosage3-9 g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted Tian Zhu Huiang 天竺黄 ( Cold )
Pharmaceutical NameBambusae succcus Actions Clears heat, transforms phlegm Penetrates to the channels Transforms phlegm-heat and stops cough Indications (Excess) Phlegm obstructing the heart orfices Stroke Cough due to phlegm-heat Dosage g Cook Toxic Sym. Zhu Li 竹沥 (Cold)
Pharmaceutical NameChaenomelis Fructus Actions Relaxes the sinews and unblocks the channels Harmonizes the stomach and transforms dampness Reduces food stagnation Indications (Excess) Severe cramping pain Abdominal pain, spasm Indigestion Dosage6 -12 g Cook Toxic Sym.Allergic reaction: pruritus and edema Pang Da Hai 胖大海 (Cool)
Pharmaceutical NameMeretricis/Cyclinae Concha Actions Clears heat & transforms phlegm Softens hardness & dissipates nodules Promotes urination & expel dampness Controls acidity and stops pain Mildly promotes urination Indications (Excess) Cough and wheezing Scrofula Acid regurgiation Superfical edema & urinary dysfunction Dosage6 -15 g Cook Toxic Sym. 蛤壳 Ge Qiao (Cold)