Artificial Neural Nets Symbiosis between computer and cognitive sciences
Cajal -1- CajalGolgi Cajal + Golgi indentification of independent neurons by staining, microscopy and looking. (Nobel Prize 1906)
Cajal -2-
6 Investigation of Single Neurons Microelectrode recording of Biological Neuron activation using tungsten electrode Hubel and Weisel. Nobel Prize 1958 Photomicrograph: Height = 1mm.
Medical Diagnosis SymptomsDiagnosis CoughHeadacheNo IllnessPneumoniaFluMeningitis
CBP Concepts and Philosophy10 ANN Medical Diagnosis Cough Headache No Illness Pneumonia Flu Meningitis 1 Cough Headache 1 Flu 1
“Classical” Medical Diagnosis If ( (symptom ! = cough) && (symptom != headache) ) illness = no illness; else if ( (symptom ! = cough) && (symptom == headache) ) illness = meningitis; else if ( (symptom == cough) && (symptom != headache) ) illness = pneumonia; else if ( (symptom == cough) && (symptom == headache) ) illness = flu; Rule-based Learning “ if … then …. else … “