عمل الطالبتان : هنــــاء ثابــــت شمــس الطويـــل تحت اشراف د. عريفــة الــبحري, حفظــها الله
UTERINE PROLAPSE Uterine prolapse occurs when the women (uterus) drops down and presses into the vaginal area
I. Muscles, ligaments, and other structures hold the uterus in the pelvis. If these tissues are weak or stretched, the uterus drops into the vaginal canal. This is called prolapse. 2. This condition is more common in women who have had one or more vaginal births. I. Muscles, ligaments, and other structures hold the uterus in the pelvis. If these tissues are weak or stretched, the uterus drops into the vaginal canal. This is called prolapse. 2. This condition is more common in women who have had one or more vaginal births.
: OTHER THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE OR LEAD TO UTERINE PROLAPSE INCLUDE * 1- trauma during the birthing. Prose's, particularly large babies or after a difficult labor or delivery and its the main causes of the muscle weakness that leads to uterine prolapse. *2- Normal aging. *3 Lack of estrogen after menopause.
causes Conditions that put pressure on the pelvic muscles, such as chronic cough and obesity. Pelvic tumor (rare). Genetics may play role also. Repeated straining to have a bowel movement due to long-term. constipation can make the problem worse. Conditions that put pressure on the pelvic muscles, such as chronic cough and obesity. Pelvic tumor (rare). Genetics may play role also. Repeated straining to have a bowel movement due to long-term. constipation can make the problem worse.
Pressure or heaviness in the pelvis or vagina. Problems with sexual intercourse. Leaking urine or sudden urge to empty the bladder. Low backache. Pressure or heaviness in the pelvis or vagina. Problems with sexual intercourse. Leaking urine or sudden urge to empty the bladder. Low backache.
Uterus and cervix that bulge into the vaginal opening. Repeated bladder infections. Vaginal bleeding. Increased vaginal discharge. Symptoms may be worse when you stand or sit for a long time. Exercise or lifting may also make symptoms worse. Uterus and cervix that bulge into the vaginal opening. Repeated bladder infections. Vaginal bleeding. Increased vaginal discharge. Symptoms may be worse when you stand or sit for a long time. Exercise or lifting may also make symptoms worse.
Uterus out of the vaginal
1:one or more pregnancies and vaginal birth. 2:giving birth to a large baby. 3:increasing age. 4:frequent heavy lifting. 5:chronic coughing. 6:frequnent straining during bowel movements. 1:one or more pregnancies and vaginal birth. 2:giving birth to a large baby. 3:increasing age. 4:frequent heavy lifting. 5:chronic coughing. 6:frequnent straining during bowel movements.
Exams and Tests: Your health care provider will do a pelvic exam. You will be asked to bear down as if you are trying to push out a baby. This shows how far your uterus has dropped. Your health care provider will do a pelvic exam. You will be asked to bear down as if you are trying to push out a baby. This shows how far your uterus has dropped.
mild moderate 1:Uterine prolapse is mild when the cervix drops into the lower part of the vagina. 2:Uterine prolapse is moderate when the cervix drops out of the vaginal opening. Degree of uterine prolapse
1:The bladder and front wall of the vagina are bulging into the vagina (cystocele). 2:The rectum and back wall of the vagina (rectocele) are bulging into the vagina. 3:The urethra and bladder are lower in the pelvis than Anus.
1:stage of uterine prolapse is defined as the vagina above the hymen(or hymnal remnant’s).
2:stage of uterine prolapse is defined as descent to the hymen. 3:stag of the uterine prolapse is defined as beyond the hymen. 4:stag of the uterine prolapse is defined as total eversion or providential. 2:stage of uterine prolapse is defined as descent to the hymen. 3:stag of the uterine prolapse is defined as beyond the hymen. 4:stag of the uterine prolapse is defined as total eversion or providential.
Loosing weight. Stopping smoking and getting proper treatment for contributing medical problems, such as lung disease, my slow the progression of uterine prolapse. If the women have very mild uterine prolapse, either without symptoms or with symptoms that aren’t highly bothersome, no treatment is necessary.
SURGICAL OPTIONS: surgical options Hysterectomy is away of treating problems that affect the uterus. many condition can be cured with Hysterectomy. Because it is major surgery, you may want to explore other treatment options first. for condition that have not responded to other treatment, a Hysterectomy may be the best choice.
The following can help you control your symptoms: Lose weight if you are obese. Avoid heavy lifting or straining. Get treated for a chronic cough. If you cough is due to smoking, try to quit.
Kegel exercise Which bears the name of Dr. Arnold Kegel, is an exercise consists of contract and relax the muscles that form part of the basin. الذي يحمل اسم الدكتور أرنولد كيجل، وهو تمرين يتكون من عقد واسترخاء العضلات التي تشكل جزءا من الحوض
EXCERCISE KEGEL The catch muscle in the pelvic floor muscle, the same used to stop the stream of urine during urination. Are preserved contraction for ten seconds with a mind that is not pulling any other muscle Kaadilat abdomen or buttocks, focusing only on the pelvic muscle. Are taking a deep breath and relax muscle another 10 seconds and repeat the exercise for 10 times. Is repeating the same previous exercise three times per day... The catch muscle in the pelvic floor muscle, the same used to stop the stream of urine during urination. Are preserved contraction for ten seconds with a mind that is not pulling any other muscle Kaadilat abdomen or buttocks, focusing only on the pelvic muscle. Are taking a deep breath and relax muscle another 10 seconds and repeat the exercise for 10 times. Is repeating the same previous exercise three times per day...
* The aim of Kegel exercise to Improve muscle strength through muscle strengthening pubococcygeus to the bottom of the basin. الهدف من تمرين كيجل هو تحسين قوة العضلات ن خلال تقوية العضلات العانية العصعصية لقاع الحوض. * Good for prevent uterine prolapse.