1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt Don’t Eat Poop Clean Me Up Scotty Those Nasty Critters Stop The Spread CD Champions
2 Everyone needs to do this before they eat: 100: Don’t Eat Poop
3 What is: Hand Hygiene 100: Don’t Eat Poop
4 Gloves are a great barrier for: 200: Don’t Eat Poop
5 What is: icky stuff that you can see, (microorganisms can still find their way thru the tiny holes no gloves are 100% impermeable) 200: Don’t Eat Poop
6 True or False: When a person with infectious viral gastro is actively vomiting, those viral particles can land on your mucus membranes and infect you 300: Don’t Eat Poop
7 True and in the case of norovirus you only need exposure to viral particles ( average vomit = 30 million) 300: Don’t Eat Poop
8 Use this when caring for a patient/resident with vomiting/diarrhea 400: Don’t Eat Poop
9 What is: Contact Precautions 400: Don’t Eat Poop
10 The most effective way to prevent transmission of infections: 500: Don’t Eat Poop
11 What is: Hand hygiene 500: Don’t Eat Poop
12 What cleaning solution should be used to clean surfaces in a health unit/treatment area? 100: Clean Me Up Scotty
13 What is: A low level cleaner/disinfectant 100: Clean Me Up Scotty
14 Something that makes it very difficult to keep any place clean (home, office or treatment area) 200 Clean Me Up Scotty
15 What is: Clutter 200 Clean Me Up Scotty
16 Cleaning category of equipment that is used on intact skin (e.g. Blood pressure cuff) 300 Clean Me Up Scotty
17 What is: Non-critical 300 Clean Me Up Scotty
18 True/False: Antibiotic resistant bacteria requires a special disinfectant 400 Clean Me Up Scotty
19 What is: False 400 Clean Me Up Scotty
20 True or False? You can pour bleach onto a surface that has dried blood on it to disinfect it 500 Clean Me Up Scotty
21 What is: False, (first clean with soap and water) 500 Clean Me Up Scotty
22 Some strains of this common bacteria are resistant to antibiotics 100 Those Nasty Critters
23 What is: MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) 100 Those Nasty Critters
24 Seasonal outbreaks of this viral respiratory infection can cause serious illness in at risk populations 200 Those Nasty Critters
25 What is: Influenza 200 Those Nasty Critters
26 These organisms are not neutralized by antibiotics 300 Those Nasty Critters
27 What is: Viruses 300 Those Nasty Critters
28 Vaccinations for influenza on the average adult are about ____% effective 400 Those Nasty Critters
29 What is: % effective – depending on the match of circulating strains 400 Those Nasty Critters
30 Influenza is transmitted by what mode? 500 Those Nasty Critters
31 What is: Droplet and contact 500 Those Nasty Critters
32 What can you teach people to help prevent the transmission of any respiratory illness (including influenza) 100 Stop The Spread
33 What is: immunization, cough etiquette, hand hygiene, staying home when ill, healthy lifestyle to boost immune system 100 Stop The Spread
34 Aside from hand hygiene – what are 2 practices that are included in Routine Practices ? 200 Stop The Spread
35 What is: PCRA, appropriate use of PPE, sharps safety, routine cleaning and disinfection of equipment and environment 200 Stop The Spread
36 What you should do if you notice a person has symptoms of fever, sore throat and cough 300 Stop The Spread
37 What is: Don PPE if coming within 2 meters, teach them cough etiquette and hand hygiene, swab for influenza if appropriate 300 Stop The Spread
38 The most effective person to wear a mask if supplies are limited 400 Stop The Spread
39 The person with the symptoms (source control) 400 Stop The Spread
40 True/False: It is alright to wash disposable gloves in disinfectant and re-use 500 Stop The Spread
41 False: integrity of glove is compromised 500 Stop The Spread
42 True/False: VRE is very pathogenic 100 CD Champions
43 False: VRE causes very few infections and no more than regular enterococcus 100 CD Champions
44 What is extended spectrum beta-lactamase? 200 CD Champions
45 What is: An enzyme that some gram negative bacteria have learned to produce 200 CD Champions
46 The first place an individual usually becomes colonized with MRSA is: 300 CD Champions
47 What is: the anterior nares 300 CD Champions
48 The new kids on the block (of AROs) are called: 400 CD Champions
49 What is: CPOs (carbapenamase producing organisms) 400 CD Champions
50 True/False: We are not normally colonized with any bacteria 500 CD Champions
51 False: We are all colonized with our own special “happy gang” 500 CD Champions