Plays a part in both digestive system and respiratory system.
PHARYNX Connects Nasal Cavity to the larynx and esophagus.
LARYNX Also known as the “voice box” Contains the “Adam’s apple” Contains vocal cords.
LARYNX Glottis: Narrow opening allowing air to enter from pharynx.
LARYNX Glottis: Protected by voice box (larynx)
LARYNX When swallowing, the glottis is covered by the epiglottis. Preventing food and liquid to enter lungs.
LARYNX VOCAL CORDS: Elastic ligaments that vibrate when air passes through the glottis.
Vocal Cords Sound determined by length, size and tension.
VOCAL CORDS 1. Short, high tension, thin ligaments vibrate rapidly producing a high pitched sound.
VOCAL CORDS Females and young boys generally have these shorter ligaments.
VOCAL CORDS 2. Large, lower tension, long strands vibrate slower creating a low-pitched sound.
VOCAL CORDS Generally males have larger vocal cords then females.
GAME TIME What is wrong with the following Voice Boxes (Larynx’s)?
Question 1 Fish Bone Stuck in Voice Box (Larynx): Foreign bodies lodged in the larynx is a medical emergency. The patient has extreme discomfort and airway compromise from laryngeal obstruction or spasm may occur.
Question 2 Vocal Cord Leukoplakia: This is a condition caused by chronic irritation which results in abnormal growth of the top layer of the skin lining the vocal cords. It is often seen in smokers and is considered a pre- cancerous condition.
Question 3
Question 4 ?
Cough Reflex Involuntary, receptors in glottis respond to particles, liquids and poisons.
COUGH REFLEX THEN the abdominal, rib muscles, and diaphragm contract quickly.
Heimlich Maneuver Compression of the diaphragm produces air pressure to dislodge the blockage.
Laryngitis Inflammation of the vocal cords and/or larynx. Can cause lower pitch, hoarseness and even loss of voice.
Why? Why do boys voices sometimes ‘break’ at the time of puberty?
Also known as the wind pipe. Connects the Larynx to the Bronchi
TRACHEA Roughly about 2.5 cm in diameter and about 11 cm in length.
TRACHEA Cartilage rings: C- shaped rings that protect the trachea. About 20 rings.
TRACHEA Cartilage rings: Prevent airway from collapsing. Openings face are posterior to allow esophagus to expand.
Trachea Tracheotomy: Incision made into the trachea and a tube is inserted. Air allowed directly into the trachea.
TRACHEA WHY do smokers cough?
PRIMARY BRONCHI Two large divisions into each lung.
Primary Bronchi Right Bronchus is larger in diameter and steeper.
COLOR CODE COLOR CODE the lower respiratory tract, letters H, I, J, M