Dengue Dengue fever is also called as break bone fever and dandy fever. This diseases is come from a mosquito the name of the mosquito is (Aedes aegypti) it is also the carrier of Yellow fever. In Asia the carrier is albopictus. It is a virus diseases.
SYMPTOMS Illness Back pain Itching Placeless decrease Joint pain Headache Eye pain
Treatment Treatment for dengue fever is to drink apple juice to increase the placeless ( it a blood cell that we have a cut it helps you to stop the blood drain.
Cycle of the aedes mosquito
Few easy way to away from dengue
Those area that are infected with dengue
Dengue in north America
Scientist research for Dengue The basic research of dengue is that it is a vector diseases that is transfer from mosquito. The first scientist that research Dengue fever was Jose in 1771 That called the diseases name as Break-bone fever. In 1780 Dr. Benjamin rush called the diseases name as bilious remitting fever in phildephiea At 18 ce a queen of Spain was infected by dengue then she was recovered by fever in 1801 I am feeling better because it is cold fashion that why this diseases called as dengue fever.
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Video of dengue fever