HERPES GENITALIS & SYPHILIS Mia Smoljan Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat
Herpes genitalis STD caused by HSV Remissions and relapses Symptoms: reddening of the skin with small, fluid-filled blisters and ulcers initial episodes may be more severe – inguinal lymphadenopathy, fever, malaise, headache Diagnosis: PCR Tzank test Treatment: Acyclovir
Herpes neonatalis Dangerous complication that affects babies born while mother has an active infection during parturition Symptoms appear between 1st and 2nd week of life Can affect: skin CNS eye mouth liver lungs ........ Prevention: Cesarean section Treatment: Acyclovir
Syphilis Chronic STI caused by Treponema pallidum Acquired via direct sexual contact with the infectious lesions of a person with syphilis PRIMARY SYPHILIS: a few weeks after infection chancre/hard ulcer after 4 to 6 weeks heals spontaneously
SECONDARY SYPHILIS: 1–6 months (commonly 6 to 8 weeks) after the primary infection symmetrical reddish-pink non-itchy rash on the trunk and extremities condylomata lata (rash becomes flat, broad, whitish lesions) most contagious stage!! meningismus, enlarged lymph nodes, fever....
TERTIARY SYPHILIS: 1–10 years after the initial infection formation of gummas = soft, tumor-like balls of inflammation – granulomas neuropathic joint disease neurosyphilis tabes dorsalis cardiovascular syphilis – ascending aorta!! cor bovinum
Diagnosis: serology (VDRL antibody test, TPHA) Treatment: penicillin