Home Remedies From the Kitchen Cabinet… not your Medicine cabinet
Ear Ache from fluid in the Ear Heat up 1 cup of salt Pour it in a sock Place over ear Heat is soothing Salt draws fluid from the ear through porous ear drum
Insomnia A recipe for Insomnia: Bruise a handful of anise seeds and steep them in waters then place in small bags, and bind one bag over each nostril before going to bed. Would this work?
Skin Rash Urine paste Property urea Anti-infective Soothing
Prevent Fever Prevent fever for a whole year Pick the first three violets in the spring Eat them. Would this work?
Fever Slice an onion Place on soles of person with a fever Onion is an anti- infective Onion is an anti- inflammatory Onion is a fever reducer
Headache Strips of potato across the forehead Potato is always cool to touch Acts as a cool compress to relieve the headache
Warts Apply potato scrapings to a wart Vitamin C in potatoes is anti-inflammatory
Warts A popular cure for warts Gather as many pebbles as you had warts, rub one pebble on each wart, take them to a crossroads and throw the pebbles over your left shoulder. The warts were supposed to go with them. Rub with a potato and bury the potato Would these work?
Sleepwalking Cut off a piece of the sleepwalker's nightgown when you find him walking. Will never sleep walk again. Would this work?
Bleeding Cayenne Pepper- blood clotting properties Sniff for a nose bleed Sprinkle it on cuts and scrapes. Brown paper bag Place on a bleeding point
Skin irritation and Insect Bites Oatmeal paste Soothes skin irritation Meat tenderizer for insect bites Reduces swelling and takes away the itch
Conclusion If we believe…… Will be more apt to work.