Sangwoo, Britney and Staci Typhoid Fever Sangwoo, Britney and Staci
Symptoms Feel weak, chilly and tired Headache Backache Diarrhea Constipation Loss of appetite
Symptoms 2 Temperature ascend(remains high for 2 weeks) Skin eruptions appear Tongue becomes dry, gets coated in the center region Fever gradually comes down by the end of 4th week
Causes Poor sanitaion Contaminated or infected water food: contaminated with germs by flies People who have the disease if they prepare or serve the food Unhealthy diet faulty style of livings
Causes 2 Common in people who are carnivorous and eat more fleshy foods Eating or drinking contaminated foods Salmonella thyphi bacteria is spread through contaminated foods Travelers to developing countries increase their risk
Treatment Vaccine: mostly provided for the people who are traveling to developing countries Antibiotics: fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol, amoxillin, and trimethoprim- sulfamethosaole Recover within 3~4 weeks
Treatment 2 Vivoti Berna Typhim Vi Salmonella typhi Vi Capsular Polysaccaride Vaccine Typheri
Prevention Proper disposal of sewage Complete purification of drinking water Pasteurization of milk Implementation of anti- fly measure
Prevention 2 Typhoid fever vaccine- gives protection Good hygiene Avoid raw vegetable that cannot be peeled Avoid foods and beverages from street vendors.