ラッサ熱 (Lassa Fever) 人獣共通 国立感染症研究所 IDWR 2002 年第 35 週号 Lassa virus Mastomys CDC: Lassa Fever.


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Presentation transcript:

ラッサ熱 (Lassa Fever) 人獣共通 国立感染症研究所 IDWR 2002 年第 35 週号 Lassa virus Mastomys CDC: Lassa Fever

View or download the slideset View or download the slideset (file size about 224 K) CDC slideset covers general facts, transmission, prevention, and control of Lassa fever. 25 July 2006: Imported case in Germany The patient, resident in Sierra Leone, became ill with fever on 5 July 2006 and flew to Germany on 10 July 2006, where he arrived the following day. 20 April 2004: Lassa fever in Sierra Leone ( 詳細不明 ) 10 February 2003: Imported case in UK British soldier recently returned from duty in rural Sierra Leone has been confirmed by virological tests. 25 July 2000: Imported case in the Netherlands(26 July : Update) A man, working as a surgeon in Sierra Leone became ill with fever on 11 July, returned to The Netherlands the following day and was hospitalized. 4 April 2000: Imported case in Germany The patient was a Nigerian national, working in Nigeria, who had been transferred to Germany by air ambulance for medical treatment. 13 March 2000: Suspected Lassa fever, UK(14 March : Confirmation) a 50 year old British national who had been working for the peacekeeping effort in rural Sierra Leone. 13 January 2000: Imported case in Germany(18 January: Update) a 23-year-old female student reportedly had spent November and December in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana. She returned to Germany on 7 January via Lisbon, Portugal and was admitted to a hospital with fever and flu-like symptoms.

International and Regional Contacts SWITZERLAND ZIMBABWE World Health Organization (WHO) WHO Regional Office for Africa WHO Collaborating Centres for Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY KENYA NIGERIA SOUTH AFRICA SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases(USAMRIID) Institut Pasteur de Bangui University of Helsinki Institut Pasteur à Paris Philipps-University Kenya Medical Research Institute University of Ibadan National Institute for Virology Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research Infection control for viral haemorrhagic fevers in the African health care setting アフリカの医療機関におけるウイルス性出血熱を制御するための国際協力連 携網 日本は発展途上国に対して多額の資金を供与している が、人的支援が足りないとみなされている。

マールブルグ出血熱 (Marburg hemorrhagic fever) 人獣共 通 WHO: Marburg haemorrhagic fever - fact sheet (2005) 1967: Germany and Yugoslavia. 1975: South Africa, possibly via Zimbabwe. 1980: Kenya. 1987: Kenya. 1998–2000: Democratic Republic of Congo. 2004–2005 (ongoing): Angola. Controlling the Marburg outbreak in Angola Images from the outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever in Uige Province, Angola August 2007 in Uganda (update; 14 August) Marburg haemorrhagic fever has been confirmed in a 29-year-old man in Uganda. The man became symptomatic on 4 July 2007, was admitted to hospital on 7 July and died on 14 July. The disease was confirmed by laboratory diagnosis on 30 July. (鉱山労働者、その介護者も感染). Ecological studies are underway by a team of experts from the CDC, WHO and the Government of Uganda, to establish the hosts and mode of natural transmission of the virus in the environment, with particular emphasis on the mines and surrounding area. WHO: Disease Outbreak News CDC: Small outbreak, with 2 cases, one fatal, in young males working in a mine. To date, there have been no reported cases among health workers.

CDC: Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Germany and Yugoslavia Johannes-burg, South Africa Kenya Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Angola Uganda Zimbabwe Kenya Durba, DRC Uige Province, Angola Lead and gold mine in Kamwenge District, Uganda (21) 1 (33) 1 (50) 1 (100) 128 (83) 227 (90) 1 (50) CountryOriginNo of cases No of deaths (%) Year(s) Total446366(82) マールブルグ出血熱の流行史

23 March 2005: in Angola (update; 24 March - 24 August) In mid-March the Angola reports of 63 deaths (mostly children and three health care workers) among patients. The disease spread particularly among people exposed to the Marburg virus during home care or at funerals (葬儀), via contact with body fluids of those who died from the disease. WHO: Disease Outbreak News 30 April 1999: in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Update; 5 May March 2000) Final confirmation has been received, in 4 of the 6 patients on whom we reported on 21 March. These confirmations yield a revised total of 16 cases since November Twelve have had the diagnosis confirmed by virological tests and 4 are classified as suspect cases as no clinical samples were available. Outbreak believed to have begun in Uige Province in October Most cases detected in other provinces have been linked directly to the outbreak in Uige Most cases occurred in young male workers at a gold mine in Durba, in the north-eastern part of the country, which proved to be the epicentre of the outbreak. Cases were subsequently detected in the neighboring village of Watsa. CDC: Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever

Marburg hemorrhagic fever is a rare, severe type of hemorrhagic fever which affects both humans and non-human primates. Caused by a genetically unique zoonotic RNA virus of the filovirus family, its recognition led to the creation of this virus family. The four species of Ebola virus are the only other known members of the filovirus family. How do humans get Marburg hemorrhagic fever? Just how the animal host first transmits Marburg virus to humans is unknown. However, as with some other viruses which cause viral hemorrhagic fever, humans who become ill with Marburg hemorrhagic fever may spread the virus to other people. This may happen in several ways. Persons who have handled infected monkeys and have come in direct contact with their fluids or cell cultures, have become infected. Spread of the virus between humans has occurred in a setting of close contact, often in a hospital. Droplets of body fluids, or direct contact with persons, equipment, or other objects contaminated with infectious blood or tissues are all highly suspect as sources of disease. 動物も同様 独特の形を記憶する フィロウイルス科 細胞質内で増殖し、細 胞膜から出芽する。細 胞質内封入体を形成。 マールブルグウイルス、 エボラウイルスのウイ ルス分離、血清学的診 断は P4 レベルの設備を 有した検査室でのみ許 可されている。