Typhoid Fever By: Sang Woo Nam, Britney Byun, Staci Shon
What is it? It is a diseases caused by bacterium Salmonella enterica (Typhi) that lives only in human body and 37 degrees Celsius (human body temperature)
Symptoms Feel weak, chilly and tired Headache Backache Diarrhea Constipation Loss of appetite
continue… Temperature ascend (remains high for 2 weeks) Skin eruptions appear Tongue becomes dry, gets coated in the center region Fever gradually comes down by the end of 4th week
Transmission You may get infected from food or drinks that contains or got touched by the people who contain the bacterium Most of the dirty sewages are contaminated by the bacterium Common in areas were hand washing is less frequent When bacterium inter human body it is carried around in blood streams even though the patient have come over the disease about 5% of the total patients carry around the disease
Causes Poor sanitation Contaminated or infected water food: contaminated with germs by flies People who have the disease if they prepare or serve the food Unhealthy diet & faulty style of livings
continue… Common in people who eat more meat and fleshy foods Eating or drinking contaminated foods Salmonella thyphi bacteria is spread through contaminated foods Travelers to developing countries increase their risk
Treatment Vaccine: mostly provided for the people who are traveling to developing countries Antibiotics: fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol, amoxillin, and trimethoprim- sulfamethosaole Recover within 3~4 weeks
continue… Vivoti Berna Typhim Vi Salmonella typhi Vi Capsular Polysaccaride Vaccine Typheri
Prevention Proper disposal of sewage Complete purification of drinking water Pasteurization of milk Implementation of anti- fly measure
continue… Typhoid fever vaccine- gives protection Good hygiene Avoid raw vegetable that cannot be peeled Avoid foods and beverages from street vendors.
Frequent Occurances In most parts of the world (usually developing countries) However, travelers must be careful when they travel (especially Americans traveling)
Bibliography “Typhoid Fever Transmission.” 28 Oct “Typhoid Fever ( Salmonella typhi).” 28 Oct “Typhoid - Transmission.” 28 Oct * "Typhoid Fever." 28 Oct * "Symptoms of Typhoid Fever and its Cure." 28 Oct * "TYPHOID FEVER." TYPHOID FEVER, Enteric Fever Symptoms, Cure, Cause, Treatment, Homeopathy for TYPHOID FEVER, Salmonelle Typhi. 28 Oct "Symptoms of Typhoid Fever and its Cure." Health and Wellness: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies, Natural Cures, Diet, Nutrition, Risk Factors, Diagnosis. 27 Oct "TYPHOID FEVER, Enteric Fever Symptoms, Cure, Cause, Treatment, Homeopathy for TYPHOID FEVER, Salmonella Typhi." Homeopathy = Hpathy, Homeopathic Medicines Homeopathy Remedies, Treatments & More!. 27 Oct "Typhoid Fever." Medical College of Wisconsin Healthlink. 27 Oct # "refugeecamp1.JPG" JPEG Image, 611x489 pixels. 28 Oct 2008 # "ChildrenDrawingBadWater.jpg" JPEG Image, 1280x Oct 2008 # "Parasiticdiseases-1.jpg" JPEG Image, 400x461 pixels. 28 Oct 2008 # "siod_salmonella_04.jpg" JPEG Image, 500x419 pixels. 28 Oct 2008 # "thermometer.jpg" JPEG Image 300x193 pixels. 28 Oct 2008 # "typhoidcopy_copy.gif" GIF Image, 431x270 pixels. 28 Oct 2008 # "typhoid_main.jpg" JPEG Image, 580x280 pixels. 28 Oct 2008 # "ulcer_of_ileum.JPG" JPEG Image, 587x393 pixels. 28 Oct 2008