Jacob Mirman, MD Sally Tamplin
Pathophysiology Symptoms Ebola and sepsis Ebola and influenza Homeopathy and epidemics
Attack on dendritic cells (responsible for presentation of antigen to T-lymphocytes) Damage to organ tissues (liver,spleen, lymphoid tissues) Lymphocyte apoptosis (death) DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)
Endothelium Macrophages Monocytes Activated by cytokines Ischemia Hemorrhage
Starts a few days after exposure High fever Prostration Headache, vomiting, diarrhea Variety of non-specific signs and symptoms Rash
Coagulopathy (DIC) Shock: increase in vascular permiability, loss of vascular smooth-muscle tone, hypotension, multiple organ dysfunction Death
Septic shock: result of septicemia in severe bacterial infections DIC is the main feature in both conditions Shock
Initial sx: similar Flu: pneumonia and activation of inflammatory substances (cytokines) leading to lung and other organ damage and DIC in severe cases, followed by shock (similar to ebola and other severe infections)
Septic shock and ebola and influenza in later stages should respond to the same remedies Boericke: Crot-h, Bapt, Echin, Ars, Lach Kent: Anthr, apis, arg-n, arn, Ars, bapt, bry, Carb-v, cench, con, Crot-h, ferr, hippoz, kali-p, Lach, lyc, phos, puls, Pyrog, rhus-t, sulph, tarent DIC: Both Others: Merc-c, Ter, Sec, Chin, Camph
Statistics and information provided by: Julian Winston, Sandra J.Perko,”The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza” and extracts from W.A.Dewey M.D. University of Michigan, as reported in,” The Journal of The American Institute of Homeopathy,”1921and the Dec 1918 edition of,”The British Journal of Homeopathy.” Compiled by Sally Tamplin DSH MARH
When the epidemic came through Leipzig, Samuel Hahnemann,the founder of Homeopathy, was able to treat 180 cases of Typhus, losing only 2. The mortality rate for conventional medicine was 30%.
Self portrait with Dr.Arrieta Goya With kind permission from: Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Dr. Joseph Pulte, working in Cincinnati during the cholera epidemic of 1849, boasted that he did not lose a single patient. People crowded to his door and stood in the street because his waiting room was full.
Samuel Hahnemann,the founder of Homeopathy, was able to identify the stages of the illness and predict what homeopathic remedies would be needed for which stages. When Cholera finally struck Europe the mortality rate under conventional treatment was between 40% - 80% depending on the information sources.
Dr.Quin of London reported the mortality in the 10 homeopathic hospitals in 1831 – 1832 as 9%. Dr.Roth,homeopathic physician to the King of Bavaria, reported that the mortality was 7%. Admiral Mordoinow of The Imperial Russian Council reported 10% mortality under homeopathy.
Under conventional care the mortality rate was 59.2% while under homeopathic care the mortality was only 9%.
The conventional mortality rate was 42%.The homeopathic mortality rate was 15.5%.
During the 1850’s there were several epidemics of Yellow Fever in the southern states. This disease was eventually found to be transmitted by mosquito. Dr.Osler reported that the conventional mortality rate was between 15 – 85%. In Natchez Dr.Holcombe,a homeopath, reported a mortality rate of 6.43% and Dr.Davis,another homeopath, reported a mortality rate of 5.73%. In 1878 the mortality rate in New Orleans was 50% under conventional care, and 5.6% (In 1,945 cases in the same epidemic) with homeopathic care.
In the records of Diphtheria in Broome County, New York the mortality rate for conventional care was 83.6% and the mortality rate for homeopathic care was 16.4%.
Every 10 to 30 years, the flu virus historically undergoes radical changes ….. in which it is altered so completely that most of the world’s population has no immunity to it. During the Asian Flu of 1957 one million people worldwide died. During the Hong Kong Flu of people died worldwide. Sometimes a viral strain develops that is so deadly that it is known as a super virus. The Spanish Flu of 1918 – 1919 killed from 22 to 100 million people worldwide. It often struck young otherwise healthy people in less that 48 hours. The Spanish Flu began as an ordinary flu with fever and aches and pains but it developed very rapidly often within a matter of hours into a much more serious and deadly lung infection.
Homeopathy In Influenza — A Chorus of Fifty In Harmony Homeopathy In Influenza — A Chorus of Fifty In Harmony by W.A. Dewey, MD., University of Michigan. The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, May 1921.
“Homeopathic doctors rose to the challenge of the most appalling Influenza pandemic in history, and they did so without the fear and uncertainty that paralyzed their allopathic colleagues.” Dr.Frank Wieland of Chicago wrote; “In a plant of 8,000 workers there was only one death. Gelsemium was practically the only homeopathic remedy used, there was no use of either aspirin or vaccination.”
Dean W.A.Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of Influenza treated by homeopathic physicians. The mortality rate was 1.05% while the rate for conventional medicine was 30%. Dr.H.A.Roberts of Connecticut had 30 physicians respond to his request for data. They reported cases with 55 deaths, which is less than a 1% mortality rate.
Dr.G.B. Stearns of New York collected through the International Hahnemannian Association 17,000 cases of Influenza with a mortality rate of 4%. Dr.T.A.Mc Cann of Ohio reported a 1,000 cases of Influenza with no loses. Dr.A.B. Palmer of Seattle treated approx 500 cases which included pneumonia, he only lost two cases. Dr.F.A.Swartwout of Washington had 11 homeopathic physicians report 3,600 cases of Influenza with only 6 deaths. Dr.G.G.Bascomb of Lake Wilson, Minnesota reported 300 cases with no deaths.
Dr,Arthur Grimmer declared: “The development of pneumonia is a rare occurrence if a good homeopathic physician was called during the first 24 hours of attack.” Dr.G.A.Wright of Forest Glen wrote: “I attended over one hundred cases without fatalities. I never deviated from the homeopathic remedy. I never gave aspirin. This epidemic should encourage us to renewed faith in homeopathy.”